This project contains a library for computations (validation and postal name lookup) on norwegian postal codes in many programming languages. The library works exactly the same in all implementations:
- Java
- C
- C++
- JavaScript
- C#
- Python
- Visual Basic
Norwegian postal codes is called "postnummer" and "poststed" in norwegian.
The library has been made with progsbase, a tool for creating rot-resistant programs that are translatable to many programming languages.
The library can also be browsed and tested on the progsbase repository's postnummer page.
For more information about progsbase, check out:
The library has the same interface in all programming languages.
boolean erGyldigPostnummer(char [] nrString)
The function takes a string as input, containing a norwegian postal code.
The output is a boolean, true if the number is valid and existing and false if not.
char [] hentPoststed(char [] nrString, Success feilmelding)
The function takes a string as input, containing a postal number (postnummer), and a structure for an error status and message.
The output is a string with the postal name.
If the function fails, feilmelding.success is set to false and feilmelding.feilmelding is set to a human readable error message.