Preview and save images of rendered snippets of LaTeX in RStudio viewer
Must have pdflatex in PATH (Windows users can install by running the following in R:
install.packages("installr"); installr::install.MikTeX()
) -
Supports Tabular, equations and other LaTex functionalities.
Load TeX packages
Input Preamble
Supports xtable inputs
Defined as Rstudio Addin so user can highlight text in the editor and invoke preview automatically.
Can be run in a rmarkdown enviornment pdf/html/book/beamer/ioslides/slidy/revealjs ...
Can be run in a shiny enviornment, as
or as part of htmlwidgets like bsplus::carousel, loryR::renderLoryR and slickR::renderSlickR.
When the output is set to 'svg' the default output to the viewer is svgPanZoom, which allows for panning and zooming on the image in the viewer. If the package is not installed a static image will be loaded.