Open CMD/Console
shrug - Express yourself!
owo - 0w0
embed - Sends the message you put in an embed
game - Sets your status to either streaming or normal
tableflip - Flips Table
unflip - Unflips table
massspoiler - Sends a huge spoiler
suggestion - Leave a suggestion for the Omen
pfp - Responds with the profile picture of a user
guildicon - Responds with the server icon
destory - Self desctructs the Omen.
purgeall - Purges all your messages
purge - Purges your an amount of your messages
shibe - Returns a shibe (example: !shibe 1 (prints 1 shibe))
corona - Corona Virus Statistics
ping - displays your ping
chatwipe - nukes the chat
geoip - displays information on a given ip
roleinfo - displays information on a role
whois - displays information on a mentioned user(only for servers)
pingwebsite - tells you if a website is online or not
dick - shows you how big someones dick is
_1337_speak - puts your text in 1337 talk!
servercopy - copies an entire server! (New - very fast) !!Pro Only!!
serverdestroy - destroys an entire server! !!Pro Only!!
massban - bans everyone!
massunban - unbans everyone!
masschannel - makes loads of channels!
delchannels - deletes loads of channels!
spam - spams loads of a given message.
friendbackup - Saves all your friends! !!Pro Only!!
abc - sends the alphabet!
btc - displays the current bitcoin price
anal - NSFW
hentai - NSFW
uptime - shows the uptime of the bot
group-leaver - leaves all groups !!Pro Only!!
read - reads all your servers
lenny - emote!
bold - sends your message in bold
secret - sends your message as a spoiler
ebay-view - Sends fake views to an ebay listing !!Pro Only!!
tweet - generates a fake tweet with the given user and message!
dmall - sends your message to everyone in the guild !!Pro Only!!
dm - sends a dm to the given user
ascii - generates ascii art with the given text
proxies - scrapes proxys and posts them as files in the channel also saves them to Data/ !!Pro Only!!
everyone - @everyone exploit without it looking like you posted @everone !!Pro Only!!
asktrump - gets trumps opinion on the topic
serverinfo - generates server info
fml - generates a random fml story
compliment - generates a random compliment for the given user
insult - generates a random insult for the given user
trump - generates a random trump quote
dadjoke - generates a random dad joke
support - Joins our discord server !!Pro Only!!
reach - Counts all servers and members in the servers for a total reach value !!Pro Only!!