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InhwanBae committed Sep 15, 2023
1 parent ff827f4 commit a6c8a3b
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Showing 177 changed files with 528,879 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions CurveModel/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
from .curve_basis import bezier_basis, bspline_basis
from .curve_fitting import curve_fitting
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions CurveModel/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
import numpy as np
import torch

def torch_binom(n, k):
mask = n.detach() >= k.detach()
n = mask * n
k = mask * k
a = torch.lgamma(n + 1) - torch.lgamma((n - k) + 1) - torch.lgamma(k + 1)
return torch.exp(a) * mask

def torch_pactorial(n):
return torch.lgamma(n + 1).exp()

def irwin_hall_pdf(n, x):
k = torch.arange(0, n+1, 1, dtype=torch.float)
n_ = torch.ones(n+1) * n
comb = torch_binom(n_, k)
sgn = (x - k)
sgn_ = torch.zeros(n+1)
eps = 1e-4
sgn_[eps <= sgn] = 1
sgn_[sgn <= -eps] = -1
sigma = (torch.FloatTensor([-1]) ** k) * comb * ((x - k) ** (n-1)) * sgn_
return sigma.sum() / (2 * torch_pactorial(torch.FloatTensor([n])-1))

def bezier_basis(degree=3, step=13):
"""Basis function for Bézier curve"""
index = torch.linspace(0, 1, steps=step, dtype=torch.float).repeat(degree + 1, 1)
i = torch.arange(0, degree + 1, 1, dtype=torch.float)
binomial_coefficient = torch_binom(torch.ones(degree + 1) * degree, i)
bernstein_basis_polynomial = binomial_coefficient * (index.T ** i) * ((1 - index.T) ** i.flip(0))
return bernstein_basis_polynomial.detach()

def bspline_basis(cpoint=7, degree=2, step=13):
"""Piecewise polynomial function for basis-spline"""
from scipy.interpolate import BSpline
cpoint += 1
steps = np.linspace(0., 1., step)
knot = cpoint - degree + 1
knots_qu = np.concatenate([np.zeros(degree), np.linspace(0, 1, knot), np.ones(degree)])
bs = np.zeros([step, cpoint])
for i in range(cpoint):
bs[:, i] = BSpline(knots_qu, (np.arange(cpoint) == i).astype(float), degree, extrapolate=False)(steps)
return torch.FloatTensor(bs)
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions CurveModel/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
import sys
import torch

def curve_fitting(traj, basis):
n_ped, t_traj, dim = traj.shape
n_cp = basis.size(1)

class Model(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(Model, self).__init__()
cp_init = torch.FloatTensor(n_ped, n_cp, dim)
cp_init[:, 0], cp_init[:, -1] = traj[:, 0], traj[:, -1]
for i in range(1, n_cp):
cp_init[:, i] = cp_init[:, i - 1] + (traj[:, -1] - traj[:, 0]) / (n_cp - 1)
self.cp = torch.nn.Parameter(cp_init) # Fast convergence
# self.cp = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(n_ped, n_cp, dim))
# torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.cp, gain=1.0)

def forward(self):
recon = (self.cp.transpose(1, 2) @ basis.T).transpose(1, 2)
loss = (recon - traj).norm(p=2, dim=-1).mean()
return recon, loss

model = Model()
if torch.cuda.is_available():
model = model.cuda()
traj, basis = traj.cuda(), basis.cuda()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.0001)

recon_best, loss_best = None, 1e8
for _ in range(100000):
recon, loss = model()
sys.stdout.write('\r\033Curve Fitting... loss={:.4f}'.format(loss.item()))
if loss.item() < loss_best:
recon_best = recon.detach().cpu()
loss_best = loss.item()

sys.stdout.write('\r\033Curve Fitting... Done.\n')
return recon_best
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions EigenTrajectory/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
from .model import EigenTrajectory
from .normalizer import TrajNorm
88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions EigenTrajectory/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
import torch
import torch.nn as nn

class ETAnchor(nn.Module):
r"""EigenTrajectory anchor model
hyper_params (DotDict): The hyper-parameters

def __init__(self, hyper_params):

self.hyper_params = hyper_params
self.k = hyper_params.k
self.s = hyper_params.num_samples
self.dim = hyper_params.traj_dim

self.C_anchor = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros((self.k, self.s)))

def to_ET_space(self, traj, evec):
r"""Transform Euclidean trajectories to EigenTrajectory coefficients
traj (torch.Tensor): The trajectory to be transformed
evec (torch.Tensor): The ET descriptors (eigenvectors)
C (torch.Tensor): The ET descriptor coefficients"""

# Euclidean -> ET
tdim = evec.size(0)
M = traj.reshape(-1, tdim).T
C = evec.T.detach() @ M
return C

def to_Euclidean_space(self, C, evec):
r"""Transform EigenTrajectory coefficients to Euclidean trajectories
C (torch.Tensor): The ET descriptor coefficients
evec (torch.Tensor): The ET descriptors (eigenvectors)
traj (torch.Tensor): The Euclidean trajectory"""

# ET -> Euclidean
t = evec.size(0) // self.dim
M = evec.detach() @ C
traj = M.T.reshape(-1, t, self.dim)
return traj

def anchor_generation(self, pred_traj_norm, U_pred_trunc):
r"""Anchor generation on EigenTrajectory space
pred_traj_norm (torch.Tensor): The normalized predicted trajectory
U_pred_trunc (torch.Tensor): The truncated ET descriptors (eigenvectors) of the predicted trajectory
This function should be called once before training the model.

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
# Trajectory projection
C_pred = self.to_ET_space(pred_traj_norm, evec=U_pred_trunc).T.detach().numpy()

# Anchor generation on EigenTrajectory space
C_anchor = torch.FloatTensor(
KMeans(n_clusters=self.s, random_state=0, init='k-means++', n_init=10).fit(C_pred).cluster_centers_.T)

# Register anchors as model parameters
self.C_anchor = nn.Parameter(

def forward(self, C_pred):
r"""Anchor refinement on EigenTrajectory space
C_pred (torch.Tensor): The predicted ET descriptor coefficients
C_pred_refine (torch.Tensor): The refined ET descriptor coefficients

# Anchor Refinement
C_pred_refine = self.C_anchor.unsqueeze(dim=1).detach() + C_pred
return C_pred_refine
181 changes: 181 additions & 0 deletions EigenTrajectory/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from .normalizer import TrajNorm

class ETDescriptor(nn.Module):
r"""EigenTrajectory descriptor model
hyper_params (DotDict): The hyper-parameters
norm_ori (bool): Whether to normalize the trajectory with the origin
norm_rot (bool): Whether to normalize the trajectory with the rotation
norm_sca (bool): Whether to normalize the trajectory with the scale"""

def __init__(self, hyper_params, norm_ori=True, norm_rot=True, norm_sca=True):

self.hyper_params = hyper_params
self.t_obs, self.t_pred = hyper_params.obs_len, hyper_params.pred_len
self.obs_svd, self.pred_svd = hyper_params.obs_svd, hyper_params.pred_svd
self.k = hyper_params.k
self.s = hyper_params.num_samples
self.dim = hyper_params.traj_dim
self.traj_normalizer = TrajNorm(ori=norm_ori, rot=norm_rot, sca=norm_sca)

self.U_obs_trunc = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros((self.t_obs * self.dim, self.k)))
self.U_pred_trunc = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros((self.t_pred * self.dim, self.k)))

def normalize_trajectory(self, obs_traj, pred_traj=None):
r"""Trajectory normalization
obs_traj (torch.Tensor): The observed trajectory
pred_traj (torch.Tensor): The predicted trajectory (Optional, for training only)
obs_traj_norm (torch.Tensor): The normalized observed trajectory
pred_traj_norm (torch.Tensor): The normalized predicted trajectory

obs_traj_norm = self.traj_normalizer.normalize(obs_traj)
pred_traj_norm = self.traj_normalizer.normalize(pred_traj) if pred_traj is not None else None
return obs_traj_norm, pred_traj_norm

def denormalize_trajectory(self, traj_norm):
r"""Trajectory denormalization
traj_norm (torch.Tensor): The trajectory to be denormalized
traj (torch.Tensor): The denormalized trajectory

traj = self.traj_normalizer.denormalize(traj_norm)
return traj

def to_ET_space(self, traj, evec):
r"""Transform Euclidean trajectories to EigenTrajectory coefficients
traj (torch.Tensor): The trajectory to be transformed
evec (torch.Tensor): The ET descriptors (eigenvectors)
C (torch.Tensor): The ET descriptor coefficients"""

# Euclidean -> ET
tdim = evec.size(0)
M = traj.reshape(-1, tdim).T
C = evec.T.detach() @ M
return C

def to_Euclidean_space(self, C, evec):
r"""Transform EigenTrajectory coefficients to Euclidean trajectories
C (torch.Tensor): The ET descriptor coefficients
evec (torch.Tensor): The ET descriptors (eigenvectors)
traj (torch.Tensor): The Euclidean trajectory"""

# ET -> Euclidean
t = evec.size(0) // self.dim
M = evec.detach() @ C
traj = M.T.reshape(-1, t, self.dim)
return traj

def truncated_SVD(self, traj, k=None, full_matrices=False):
r"""Truncated Singular Value Decomposition
traj (torch.Tensor): The trajectory to be decomposed
k (int): The number of singular values and vectors to be computed
full_matrices (bool): Whether to compute full-sized matrices
U_trunc (torch.Tensor): The truncated left singular vectors
S_trunc (torch.Tensor): The truncated singular values
Vt_trunc (torch.Tensor): The truncated right singular vectors

assert traj.size(2) == self.dim # NTC
k = self.k if k is None else k

# Singular Value Decomposition
M = traj.reshape(-1, traj.size(1) * self.dim).T
U, S, Vt = torch.linalg.svd(M, full_matrices=full_matrices)

# Truncated SVD
U_trunc, S_trunc, Vt_trunc = U[:, :k], S[:k], Vt[:k, :]
return U_trunc, S_trunc, Vt_trunc.T

def parameter_initialization(self, obs_traj, pred_traj):
r"""Initialize the ET descriptor parameters (for training only)
obs_traj (torch.Tensor): The observed trajectory
pred_traj (torch.Tensor): The predicted trajectory
pred_traj_norm (torch.Tensor): The normalized predicted trajectory
U_pred_trunc (torch.Tensor): The truncated eigenvectors of the predicted trajectory
This function should be called once before training the model."""

# Normalize trajectory
obs_traj_norm, pred_traj_norm = self.normalize_trajectory(obs_traj, pred_traj)

# Singular Value Decomposition with truncation
U_obs_trunc, _, _ = self.truncated_SVD(obs_traj_norm)
U_pred_trunc, _, _ = self.truncated_SVD(pred_traj_norm)

# Register eigenvectors as model parameters
self.U_obs_trunc = nn.Parameter(
self.U_pred_trunc = nn.Parameter(

# Reuse values for anchor generation
return pred_traj_norm, U_pred_trunc

def projection(self, obs_traj, pred_traj=None):
r"""Trajectory projection to the ET space
obs_traj (torch.Tensor): The observed trajectory
pred_traj (torch.Tensor): The predicted trajectory (optional, for training only)
C_obs (torch.Tensor): The observed trajectory in the ET space
C_pred (torch.Tensor): The predicted trajectory in the ET space (optional, for training only)

# Trajectory Projection
obs_traj_norm, pred_traj_norm = self.normalize_trajectory(obs_traj, pred_traj)
C_obs = self.to_ET_space(obs_traj_norm, evec=self.U_obs_trunc).detach()
C_pred = self.to_ET_space(pred_traj_norm, evec=self.U_pred_trunc).detach() if pred_traj is not None else None
return C_obs, C_pred

def reconstruction(self, C_pred):
r"""Trajectory reconstruction from the ET space
C_pred (torch.Tensor): The predicted trajectory in the ET space
pred_traj (torch.Tensor): The predicted trajectory in the Euclidean space

# Trajectory Reconstruction
pred_traj_norm = [self.to_Euclidean_space(C_pred[:, :, s], evec=self.U_pred_trunc) for s in range(self.s)]
pred_traj = [self.denormalize_trajectory(pred_traj_norm[s]) for s in range(self.s)]
pred_traj = torch.stack(pred_traj, dim=0) # SNTC
return pred_traj

def forward(self, C_pred):
r"""Alias for reconstruction"""

return self.reconstruction(C_pred)

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