This is scalable fullstack "framework" for configuring complex medium and large SPA projects. Any part of this project can be easy replaced. Here is using mono-repository with modular architecture. Yarn 2 Workspaces gives the ability to build project in a single repo (a.k.a. monorepo). This makes it faster to iterate locally when building components that depends on each other. Monorepo is NOT about mixing everything together inside a project (do not confuse with monolith). Monorepo+modules is about having source codes of multiple applications, services, and libraries that belong to one domain inside a single repository. Using monorepo decreases velocity and maintaining time.
Modular architecture allows multiple teams to work independently from each other, choose their own technology stacks and establish their own release cycles. Bringing micro-services to the frontend requires a layout service that composes a website out of fragments.
- Cohesion. Any changes should affect as less code as possible.
- Reusing. Identical things should be easy to reuse without copy-pasting.
- Extendability. It should be easy to add new functionality to existing code.
- Stability. Any new code can be easily disabled using feature toggles.
- Performance. 100 point in lighthouse.
- Code ownership. The project should be divided into modules, so that it would be easy to assign an owner for each module. This will help us to do codereview. Neat and consistent coding primarily serves to improve the readability and comprehensibility of the source code, which is very important for debugging and modifying code written by other employees, and also to get the most out of your work.
- CI\CD Speed. Fast webpack building, code-splitting, tree-shaking and smallest bundles size.
- At least one experienced architect.
- At least one experienced dev-ops, who can cope with the maintenance of few or even several dozen microservices and will be able to manage them.
- Has an additional initial budget for more accurate development of the architecture, the entire system monitoring structure or configuration of orchestration.
- Long development time of an application is expected.
- Many developers are involved in a project.
- Good preparation for long-term development is more important than short time for releasing an MVP version;
- The project involves many fields of IT which increases the chances of using different technologies and programming languages.
- TypeScript presenting a more organized and maintainable code. The static typing of TypeScript improves performance, avoids runtime pitfalls and transpiles to JavaScript.
- Single clone. No need to clone several repositories.
- Access to all parts of the system. Simplified refactoring of the whole system.
- Linting only files to commit.
- Custom light weight nginx 1.19 +alpine Docker build with HTTP/2, TLSv1.3, brotli.
- Extra small size of Docker containers.
- Ability to separate applications, for example, a mobile application and a desktop application in easy way.
- Smoke testing after deploying, which can be used to rollback if deploy was failed.
- Optimized by lighthouse rules.
- Atomic design methodology for building UI.
- Easier upgrade of the underlying technologies for each workspace.
- Allow to fit the best the technology to each need.
- Webpack 5 fastest speed and smallest bundle size.
- React Router 6 - decrease size of bundle.
- Ability to proxy google-analytics and yandex metrics via own server avoid inadvertent blocking by ad blockers.
- Ability make A/B testing for front parts of application.
- Single-symbols classnames in production - lead to decrease size of styles and more security.
- Caching resources via ServiceWorkers.
- Ability to do E2E test related to auto applied data-* attribute instead of className or id.
- Typescript - static type-checking along with the latest ECMAScript features.
- React - view layer.
- Redux toolkit - state management.
- Formik, Yup - forms and validation.
- Ky - http request.
- SwaggerUI - REST-API documentation.
- Cypress - smoke (potentially e2e) testing.
- Jest, Enzyme - unit testing.
- Webpack - bundle JavaScript files for usage in a browser.
- Yarn2 - organize npm dependencies and workspaces.
- StoryBook - developing UI components in isolation mode.
- MaterialUI - react UI framework.
- NodeJS - JS platform for backend.
- ExpressJS - nodejs server.
- Nodemon - tool that helps develop node.js based applications.
- Nginx - main web-server for production web-application.
- Docker - container for production build.
- authentication: (JWT, CryptoPro [TODO]);
- omni-channel [TODO];
- http-request, jsonp transfer, web-sockets [TODO], web-workers;
- cookies, localStorage, cacheStorage, sessionStorage (with prefix and expires data);
- index-db [TODO];
- browser fingerprint;
- error-tracking (including send to server);
- i18n, l10n;
- heart-beating;
- print (pdf, image, text) + preview [TODO];
- save files;
- PWA;
- apiMock (rest) server;
- install nodejs recommended 14.x
- Clone repository
git clone git@github.com:initialbyte/the-platform.git && cd ./the-platform
- install yarn
Installing Yarn 2.x globally is discouraged. Yarn team advise to keep Yarn 1.x as your global binary and install Yarn v2. per-project install strategy. Hot to install Yarn 2+.
yarn set version berry
yarn policies set-version latest
- Run
- Run
yarn start
To test it as on production side or for some other purposes you may install Docker and docker-composer locally, then you can run the entire app: front-end + backend + infrastructure (postgres, redis etc.):
docker network create -d bridge --subnet platform
yarn go
After it you can open https://localhost with this web-application.
Add an additional plugin.
yarn plugin import interactive-tools
and run
yarn upgrade
yarn plugin import typescript
yarn dlx @yarnpkg/pnpify --sdk vscode
more info, configuring vscode with pnp
"search.exclude": {
"**/.yarn": true,
"**/.pnp.*": true
"eslint.validate": [
"eslint.nodePath": ".yarn/sdks",
"prettier.prettierPath": ".yarn/sdks/prettier/index.js",
"typescript.tsdk": ".yarn/sdks/typescript/lib",
"typescript.enablePromptUseWorkspaceTsdk": true
It may be suitable for dev purposes, e.g. test ssl connection in nginx via localhost.
See mkcert github repository.
brew install mkcert nss
cd ~/tmp
wget https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert/releases/download/v1.4.1/mkcert-v1.4.1-linux-amd64
mv mkcert-v1.4.1-linux-amd64 mkcert
chmod +x mkcert
sudo cp mkcert /usr/local/bin/
mkcert -install
mkcert -key-file <YOUR_PATH>/configs/docker/nginx/certs/wildcard.localhost.key.pem -cert-file <YOUR_PATH>/configs/docker/nginx/certs/wildcard.localhost.cert.pem localhost ::1
yarn go
Run the entire app: front-end + backend + infrastructure (postgres, redis etc.).
yarn start
Start webpack-dev-server.yarn build
Build production app via webpack.
yarn apimock
Run API mock server.yarn smoke
Run smoke testing via cypress.yarn swagger
Run SwaggerAPI.yarn storybook
Run storybook.
yarn tslint
Run typescript (tsc) validation and type-checking.yarn lint
Lint typescript source code.yarn lint:staged
Used to run tests and linting in pre-commit phase.yarn test
Run app's tests.yarn fixcode
Auto-fix source files.yarn check
Run tests, typescript checking and eslint.
yarn upgrade
Update dependencies versions.
/dist # production stuff
/public # assets, html-templates, webmanifest etc.
/configs # config files
├──/docker # nginx config and shell script for docker
├──/webpack # webpack configs
/src # sources
├──/__mocks__ # jest mocks
├──/@types # app's types for typescripts
├──/apimock # api mock server for local development
├──/core # core modules and utils (jsonp, storages etc.)
├──/modules # external modules (auth, register etc.)
├──/react # react app
│ └──/uikit # layouts, dumb components
│ └──/web-desktop # main point of the web application
├──/smoke # smoke testing (cypress)
├──/storybook # storybook
├──/swagger # swagger UI
Keep it fast. How to check:
- Use lighthouse in Chrome dev tools.
- React profiler from browser's extension.
- Add http3 into web-app nginx.
- Add SSR.
- Add PWA application.
- Add Istanbul.
- Add ability disallow commit if tests not in green zone.
- Add ability disallow commit if cover zone of tests is happened less then before.
- Add testing via visual or wix.
- Add Content editor.
- Add mount point for modules without routing.
- Add type check i18n dictionaries with TypeScript SO.