Control & Config Update
As Sirius settles down as a black dwarf, it is tamed and becomes much more user friendly, as all stars eventually do...
- Report command allows devs to get the value of most variables in Sirius
- Config command brings up Sirius' configuration panel allowing devs to change config with the bot still running
- Settings command brings up the server's configuration panel allowing server admins to change settings
- Optimisations in the backend
- Message sent when there are no confessions to review
- Print confessions renamed to post confessions
- Anonymous slash command is now actually anonymous (discord previously said who used the command)
- Stats command now includes more general statistics
- Annonymous polls with new anonymous parameter
- Leaderboard command for small servers to rank XP of all members
- Numerious quality of life changes
This is no small update and control and configuration will get more fleshed out throught the 1.3 updates!