Spark-PMoF (Persistent Memory over Fabric), RPMem extension for Spark Shuffle, is a Spark Shuffle Plugin which enables persistent memory and high performance fabric technology like RDMA for Spark shuffle to improve Spark performance in shuffle intensive scneario.
Spark-PMof has been migrated and integrated to OAP: Please Check OAP for most recent update.
Make sure you got HPNL installed.
git clone
cd Spark-PMoF; mvn package -DskipTests -Pspark-2
If the pmem hardware is ready,it's useful to test by removing the -DskipTests
mvn package
This plugin current supports Spark 2.3 and works well on various Network fabrics, including Socket, RDMA and Omni-Path. Before runing Spark workload, add following contents in spark-defaults.conf, then have fun! :-)
spark.driver.extraClassPath Spark-PMoF-PATH/target/sso-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar
spark.executor.extraClassPath Spark-PMoF-PATH/target/sso-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar
spark.shuffle.manager org.apache.spark.shuffle.pmof.PmofShuffleManager
Chendi Xue, Jian Zhang,