v2.1 release updates and adds fixes to AlphaFold2 pipeline and DeepVariant-based germline fq2vcf pipeline.
AlphaFold2-based protein folding pipeline:
- Enabled inference using different models
- Bug fixes for running Model 3, 4, & 5.
- Removed unnecessary paths from run script.
- Enabled use of contiguous tensor inside TPP PyTorch extension
DeepVariant-based germline variant calling (fq2vcf) pipeline :
- Enabled support for gzipped reference sequence file as input
- Enabled support for reads and reference sequence data files to be in different folders
- Enabled cleanup of all intermediate data generated during the pipeline's run
- Provided an option to keep the intermediate SAM files out of bwa-mem2
- Fixed the messaging to the user in case of a failed run
- Updated README with precise instructions to run on various types of compute environments
- In AWS parallel cluster environment: enabled index creation on a compute node instead of the master node
- Added details in README about memory and disk requirements for a run using a Human WGS dataset