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09. Settings: Connector Configuration

Tim Berthold edited this page Jan 31, 2022 · 14 revisions

Configuration via

The messaging-services can be configured in your file. The following properties can be used:

Field Since Version Default Value (if any) Usage
daps.token.url URL where TokenManagerService tries to get a DAT from
daps.key.url.kid takes a map of DAPS JWKS URLs and KIDs, used as PublicKeys to check incoming DATs
shacl.validation false specifies if shacl validation of messages should be performed
daps.mode which DAPS should be used (can be "orbiter" or "aisec")
configuration.path path to a config.json file containing JSON-LD representation of a ConfigurationModel
configuration.keyStorePassword password for the Keystore specified in ConfigurationModel
configuration.keyAlias alias of the private key to be used by the Connector (for example for signing request when getting a DAT)
configuration.trustStorePassword password for the Truststore specified in ConfigurationModel
clearinghouse.url url of the clearinghouse (used by ClearingHouseService)
clearinghouse.query.endpoint /messages/query clearinghouse endpoint for query-messages
clearinghouse.log.endpoint /messages/log clearinghouse endpoint for log-messages
clearinghouse.process.endpoint 5.0.0 /process clearinghouse endpoint for creating process IDs (PID)
infomodel.compatibility.validation 4.3.0 true Allows to disable the validation of incoming messages for their ModelVersion-compatibility against the inbound-model-versions of the connector. Note: Wildcards may also be used for inbound-model-versions to support different subversions, e.g. 4.1.* would be a valid specification in the inbound-model-version of the Connector and would work in the validation.
referred.check 5.1.0 false enables comparison between DAT referringConnector in DAT-body and ids:issuerConnector in message-header, automatically sends Rejectionmessage if enabled and check not successfully passed
daps.enable.log.jwt 5.2.0 false enables DAPS response logging including the JWT
daps.enable.cache.dat 5.2.0 true enables or disables caching of DAPS DAT
daps.time.offset.seconds 5.2.0 10 (seconds) freely configure a possible time difference between the system of the connector and the DAPS. The entered interger value is subtracted from the current time in the form of seconds and the iat (issued at) and nbf (not before) are set in the JWT from the connector to the DAPS for the DAT request with the adjusted time
daps.jwt.signature.algorithm 5.3.0 RSA256 RSA256/ECDSA256, choose between RSA 256 and ECDSA 256 as signature signing algorithm for the JWTs to the DAPS for the DAT request. Default if not set is RSA256.

Configuration via Runtime Options:

The IDS Messaging Services have some options, which can be configured at runtime, to customize the inner workings of some components, or for adding additional checks & features.

Option Description
EndpointService.addMapping(String url); Add a new mapping (path) which will point to the IDSController for Multipart Message handling
EndpointService.removeMapping(String url); Remove a mapping from the IDSController
DapsVerifier.addValidationRule(DatValidationRule rule); Add a Custom DatValidationRule, you can add a lambda Claims -> ValidationRuleResult which will be checked for incoming tokens
IdsHttpService.setTimeouts(final Duration connectTimeout, final Duration readTimeout, final Duration writeTimeout, final Duration callTimeout); Set custom timeouts for your httpclients
IdsHttpService.removeTimeouts(); Use default OkHttp timeout settings
MessageDispatcher.registerPreDispatchingAction(PreDispatchingFilter filter); Add a custom PreDispatchingFilter, discarding incoming Multipart Messages, if it does not return a success, you can use a lambda Message -> PreDispatchingFilterResult for this.


Following can be used for the custom PreDispatchingFilter on incoming Messages:

DapsVerifier.addValidationRule(claim -> !"".equals(claim.getIssuer()) ?
   ValidationRuleResult.success() :
   ValidationRuleResult.failure("This rule sometimes fails!")

Custom Configuration handling using interceptors:

The Messaging Services provide two interceptors for customizing the initial creation of an IDS Connectors configuration. PreConfigProducerInterceptor and PostConfigProducerInterceptor.

The PreConfigProducerInterceptor gets the configuration properties from the application.propterties file and has to return a ConfigurationModel instance, which will be used for the connector configuration.

The PostConfigProducerInterceptor takes the ConfigContainer generated by the ConfigProducer and can apply changes to that, before it is passed to the classes which are using the ConfigContainer.