Releases: Internet-of-People/titania-os
TitaniaOS 1.1.2
TitaniaOS 1.1.2 Release notes
TitaniaOS is now available for x86_64 virtual environments.
Release notes added below are based on improvements and changes over TitaniaOS 1.1.1.
- The current IP address of the Titania Box is shown on the console login screen.
- A default user
with passwordtitania
has been added to help with install errors diagnostics. This user can be used to log into the post on installation. Post configuration on interface, this default user is locked and cannot be used anymore.
Internal Items for x86_64
- It will use the same connection as host.
- This image doesn’t support upgrade yet. This will be added in next iterations.
Bug Fixes
- Uptime ticker didnt show accurate result.
- Dapps were having issues in hole punching and opening ports.
Known Issues
- In case you upgrade from a earlier version of titaniaOS, you may experience downtime of a few minutes after updating the dapp
. This will be filtered out from the next versions.
Guidelines for x86 virtual env install:
Guidelines for armv7 rpi install:
TitaniaOS 1.1.1
TitaniaOS 1.1.1 Release Notes
Titania is a Linux distribution for Raspberry Pi that makes it easy to install decentralized web-based applications. Release notes added below are based on improvements and changes over TitaniaOS 1.0.1.
- Guidelines for making dapps (
- LOC Server update (rolled out in stealth)
- Added restart option on inactive dapps
- Reboot Button added to interface
Internal Items
- Migration to sumo branch at os level
- Dapp lifecycle and reboot added
Bug Fixes
- Update failure was not responsive
- Redirection Issue with configure and login
- Community dapp was resolving to navcoin
- Wifi delete did not refresh list successfully
For Developers
Developer guidelines to add to Titania’s dapps hub: