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Add stake-snapshot and pool-params queries
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kevinhammond authored and newhoggy committed Apr 15, 2021
1 parent 186c04e commit 1857488
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Showing 7 changed files with 337 additions and 7 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions cardano-cli/src/Cardano/CLI/Shelley/Commands.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -293,6 +293,8 @@ data QueryCmd =
| QueryUTxO' AnyConsensusModeParams QueryFilter NetworkId (Maybe OutputFile)
| QueryLedgerState' AnyConsensusModeParams NetworkId (Maybe OutputFile)
| QueryProtocolState' AnyConsensusModeParams NetworkId (Maybe OutputFile)
| QueryStakeSnapshot' AnyConsensusModeParams NetworkId (Hash StakePoolKey)
| QueryPoolParams' AnyConsensusModeParams NetworkId (Hash StakePoolKey)
deriving Show

renderQueryCmd :: QueryCmd -> Text
Expand All @@ -305,6 +307,8 @@ renderQueryCmd cmd =
QueryUTxO' {} -> "query utxo"
QueryLedgerState' {} -> "query ledger-state"
QueryProtocolState' {} -> "query protocol-state"
QueryStakeSnapshot' {} -> "query stake-snapshot"
QueryPoolParams' {} -> "query pool-params"

data GovernanceCmd
= GovernanceMIRPayStakeAddressesCertificate
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17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions cardano-cli/src/Cardano/CLI/Shelley/Parsers.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -676,6 +676,10 @@ pQueryCmd =
( pQueryLedgerState $ Opt.progDesc "Dump the current ledger state of the node (Ledger.NewEpochState -- advanced command)")
, subParser "protocol-state"
( pQueryProtocolState $ Opt.progDesc "Dump the current protocol state of the node (Ledger.ChainDepState -- advanced command)")
, subParser "stake-snapshot"
( pQueryStakeSnapshot $ Opt.progDesc "Obtain the three stake snapshots for a pool, plus the total active stake (advanced command)")
, subParser "pool-params"
( pQueryPoolParams $ Opt.progDesc "Dump the pool parameters (Ledger.NewEpochState.esLState._delegationState._pState._pParams -- advanced command)")
pQueryProtocolParameters :: Parser QueryCmd
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -726,6 +730,19 @@ pQueryCmd =
<*> pNetworkId
<*> pMaybeOutputFile

pQueryStakeSnapshot :: Parser QueryCmd
pQueryStakeSnapshot = QueryStakeSnapshot'
<$> pConsensusModeParams
<*> pNetworkId
<*> pStakePoolVerificationKeyHash

pQueryPoolParams :: Parser QueryCmd
pQueryPoolParams = QueryPoolParams'
<$> pConsensusModeParams
<*> pNetworkId
<*> pStakePoolVerificationKeyHash

pGovernanceCmd :: Parser GovernanceCmd
pGovernanceCmd =
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140 changes: 134 additions & 6 deletions cardano-cli/src/Cardano/CLI/Shelley/Run/Query.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,13 +48,18 @@ import Cardano.Binary (decodeFull)
import Cardano.Crypto.Hash (hashToBytesAsHex)

import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Crypto as Crypto
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Era as Era
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Constraints as Ledger
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Cardano.Block as Consensus (EraMismatch (..))
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Shelley.Protocol (StandardCrypto)
import Ouroboros.Network.Block (Serialised (..))
import Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.LocalStateQuery.Type as LocalStateQuery
(AcquireFailure (..))
import qualified Shelley.Spec.Ledger.API.Protocol as Ledger
import Shelley.Spec.Ledger.Coin
import Shelley.Spec.Ledger.EpochBoundary
import Shelley.Spec.Ledger.Keys (KeyHash (..), KeyRole (..))
import Shelley.Spec.Ledger.LedgerState hiding (LedgerState, _delegations)
import Shelley.Spec.Ledger.Scripts ()

{- HLINT ignore "Reduce duplication" -}
Expand All @@ -68,6 +73,7 @@ data ShelleyQueryCmdError
| ShelleyQueryCmdAcquireFailure !AcquireFailure
| ShelleyQueryCmdEraConsensusModeMismatch !AnyCardanoEra !AnyConsensusMode
| ShelleyQueryCmdByronEra
| ShelleyQueryCmdPoolIdError (Hash StakePoolKey)
| ShelleyQueryCmdEraMismatch !EraMismatch
deriving Show

Expand All @@ -80,6 +86,7 @@ renderShelleyQueryCmdError err =
ShelleyQueryCmdHelpersError helpersErr -> renderHelpersError helpersErr
ShelleyQueryCmdAcquireFailure aqFail -> Text.pack $ show aqFail
ShelleyQueryCmdByronEra -> "This query cannot be used for the Byron era"
ShelleyQueryCmdPoolIdError poolId -> "The pool id does not exist: " <> show poolId
ShelleyQueryCmdEraConsensusModeMismatch (AnyCardanoEra era) (AnyConsensusMode cMode) ->
"Consensus mode and era mismatch. Consensus mode: " <> show cMode <>
" Era: " <> show era
Expand All @@ -100,6 +107,10 @@ runQueryCmd cmd =
runQueryStakeAddressInfo consensusModeParams addr network mOutFile
QueryLedgerState' consensusModeParams network mOutFile ->
runQueryLedgerState consensusModeParams network mOutFile
QueryStakeSnapshot' consensusModeParams network poolid ->
runQueryStakeSnapshot consensusModeParams network poolid
QueryPoolParams' consensusModeParams network poolid ->
runQueryPoolParams consensusModeParams network poolid
QueryProtocolState' consensusModeParams network mOutFile ->
runQueryProtocolState consensusModeParams network mOutFile
QueryUTxO' consensusModeParams qFilter networkId mOutFile ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -235,6 +246,55 @@ runQueryUTxO (AnyConsensusModeParams cModeParams)
maybeFiltered NoFilter = Nothing

-- | Query the current and future parameters for a stake pool, including the retirement date.
-- Any of these may be empty (in which case a null will be displayed).

:: AnyConsensusModeParams
-> NetworkId
-> Hash StakePoolKey
-> ExceptT ShelleyQueryCmdError IO ()
runQueryPoolParams (AnyConsensusModeParams cModeParams) network poolid = do
SocketPath sockPath <- firstExceptT ShelleyQueryCmdEnvVarSocketErr readEnvSocketPath
let localNodeConnInfo = LocalNodeConnectInfo cModeParams network sockPath

anyE@(AnyCardanoEra era) <- determineEra cModeParams localNodeConnInfo
let cMode = consensusModeOnly cModeParams
sbe <- getSbe $ cardanoEraStyle era

eInMode <- toEraInMode era cMode
& hoistMaybe (ShelleyQueryCmdEraConsensusModeMismatch anyE (AnyConsensusMode cMode))

let qInMode = QueryInEra eInMode . QueryInShelleyBasedEra sbe $ QueryLedgerState
result <- executeQuery era cModeParams localNodeConnInfo qInMode
obtainLedgerEraClassConstraints sbe (writePoolParams poolid) result

-- | Obtain stake snapshot information for a pool, plus information about the total active stake.
-- This information can be used for leader slot calculation, for example, and has been requested by SPOs.
-- Obtaining the information directly is significantly more time and memory efficient than using a full ledger state dump.
:: AnyConsensusModeParams
-> NetworkId
-> Hash StakePoolKey
-> ExceptT ShelleyQueryCmdError IO ()
runQueryStakeSnapshot (AnyConsensusModeParams cModeParams) network poolid = do
SocketPath sockPath <- firstExceptT ShelleyQueryCmdEnvVarSocketErr readEnvSocketPath
let localNodeConnInfo = LocalNodeConnectInfo cModeParams network sockPath

anyE@(AnyCardanoEra era) <- determineEra cModeParams localNodeConnInfo
let cMode = consensusModeOnly cModeParams
sbe <- getSbe $ cardanoEraStyle era

eInMode <- toEraInMode era cMode
& hoistMaybe (ShelleyQueryCmdEraConsensusModeMismatch anyE (AnyConsensusMode cMode))

let qInMode = QueryInEra eInMode . QueryInShelleyBasedEra sbe $ QueryLedgerState
result <- executeQuery era cModeParams localNodeConnInfo qInMode
obtainLedgerEraClassConstraints sbe (writeStakeSnapshot poolid) result

:: AnyConsensusModeParams
-> NetworkId
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -375,13 +435,80 @@ writeLedgerState mOutFile qState@(SerialisedLedgerState serLedgerState) =
Just (OutputFile fpath) ->
handleIOExceptT (ShelleyQueryCmdWriteFileError . FileIOError fpath)
$ LBS.writeFile fpath $ unSerialised serLedgerState
:: SerialisedLedgerState era
-> Either LBS.ByteString (LedgerState era)
decodeLedgerState (SerialisedLedgerState (Serialised ls)) =
first (const ls) (decodeFull ls)

writeStakeSnapshot :: forall era ledgerera. ()
=> ShelleyLedgerEra era ~ ledgerera
=> Era.Crypto ledgerera ~ StandardCrypto
=> FromCBOR (LedgerState era)
=> PoolId
-> SerialisedLedgerState era
-> ExceptT ShelleyQueryCmdError IO ()
writeStakeSnapshot (StakePoolKeyHash hk) qState =
case decodeLedgerState qState of
-- In the event of decode failure print the CBOR instead
Left bs -> firstExceptT ShelleyQueryCmdHelpersError $ pPrintCBOR bs

Right ledgerState -> do
-- Ledger State
let (LedgerState snapshot) = ledgerState

-- The three stake snapshots, obtained from the ledger state
let (SnapShots markS setS goS _) = esSnapshots $ nesEs snapshot

-- Calculate the three pool and active stake values for the given pool
liftIO . LBS.putStrLn $ encodePretty $ Stakes
{ markPool = getPoolStake hk markS
, setPool = getPoolStake hk setS
, goPool = getPoolStake hk goS
, markTotal = getAllStake markS
, setTotal = getAllStake setS
, goTotal = getAllStake goS

-- | Sum all the stake that is held by the pool
getPoolStake :: KeyHash Shelley.Spec.Ledger.Keys.StakePool crypto -> SnapShot crypto -> Integer
getPoolStake hash ss = pStake
Coin pStake = fold s
(Stake s) = poolStake hash (_delegations ss) (_stake ss)

-- | Sum the active stake from a snapshot
getAllStake :: SnapShot crypto -> Integer
getAllStake (SnapShot stake _ _) = activeStake
Coin activeStake = fold . unStake $ stake

-- | This function obtains the pool parameters, equivalent to the following jq query on the output of query ledger-state
-- .nesEs.esLState._delegationState._pstate._pParams.<pool_id>
writePoolParams :: forall era ledgerera. ()
=> ShelleyLedgerEra era ~ ledgerera
=> FromCBOR (LedgerState era)
=> Crypto.Crypto (Era.Crypto ledgerera)
=> Era.Crypto ledgerera ~ StandardCrypto
=> PoolId
-> SerialisedLedgerState era
-> ExceptT ShelleyQueryCmdError IO ()
writePoolParams (StakePoolKeyHash hk) qState =
case decodeLedgerState qState of
-- In the event of decode failure print the CBOR instead
Left bs -> firstExceptT ShelleyQueryCmdHelpersError $ pPrintCBOR bs

Right ledgerState -> do
let LedgerState snapshot = ledgerState
let poolState = _pstate $ _delegationState $ esLState $ nesEs snapshot

-- Pool parameters
let poolParams = Map.lookup hk $ _pParams poolState
let fPoolParams = Map.lookup hk $ _fPParams poolState
let retiring = Map.lookup hk $ _retiring poolState

liftIO . LBS.putStrLn $ encodePretty $ Params poolParams fPoolParams retiring

decodeLedgerState :: forall era. ()
=> FromCBOR (LedgerState era)
=> SerialisedLedgerState era
-> Either LBS.ByteString (LedgerState era)
decodeLedgerState (SerialisedLedgerState (Serialised ls)) = first (const ls) (decodeFull ls)

writeProtocolState :: Crypto.Crypto StandardCrypto
=> Maybe OutputFile
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -629,6 +756,7 @@ obtainLedgerEraClassConstraints
-> ((Ledger.ShelleyBased ledgerera
, ToJSON (LedgerState era)
, FromCBOR (LedgerState era)
, Era.Crypto ledgerera ~ StandardCrypto
) => a) -> a
obtainLedgerEraClassConstraints ShelleyBasedEraShelley f = f
obtainLedgerEraClassConstraints ShelleyBasedEraAllegra f = f
Expand Down
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions cardano-cli/src/Cardano/CLI/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,17 +16,24 @@ module Cardano.CLI.Types
, TxOutAnyEra (..)
, UpdateProposalFile (..)
, VerificationKeyFile (..)
, Stakes (..)
, Params (..)
) where

import Cardano.Prelude

import Data.Aeson (ToJSON (..), object, pairs, (.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Text as Text

import qualified Cardano.Chain.Slotting as Byron

import Cardano.Api

import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Crypto as Crypto

import Shelley.Spec.Ledger.TxBody (PoolParams (..))

-- | Specify what the CBOR file is
-- i.e a block, a tx, etc
data CBORObject = CBORBlockByron Byron.EpochSlots
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,6 +70,65 @@ data QueryFilter
| NoFilter
deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | This data structure is used to allow nicely formatted output within the query stake-snapshot command.
-- "markPool", "setPool", "goPool" are the three ledger state stake snapshots (from most recent to least recent)
-- go is the snapshot that is used for the current epoch, set will be used in the next epoch,
-- mark for the epoch after that. "markTotal", "setTotal", "goTotal" record the total active stake for each snapshot.
-- This information can be used by community tools to calculate upcoming leader schedules.
data Stakes = Stakes
{ markPool :: Integer
, setPool :: Integer
, goPool :: Integer
, markTotal :: Integer
, setTotal :: Integer
, goTotal :: Integer
} deriving Show

-- | Pretty printing for stake information
instance ToJSON Stakes where
toJSON (Stakes m s g mt st gt) = object
[ "poolStakeMark" .= m
, "poolStakeSet" .= s
, "poolStakeGo" .= g
, "activeStakeMark" .= mt
, "activeStakeSet" .= st
, "activeStakeGo" .= gt

toEncoding (Stakes m s g mt st gt) = pairs $ mconcat
[ "poolStakeMark" .= m
, "poolStakeSet" .= s
, "poolStakeGo" .= g
, "activeStakeMark" .= mt
, "activeStakeSet" .= st
, "activeStakeGo" .= gt

-- | This data structure is used to allow nicely formatted output in the query pool-params command.
-- params are the current pool parameter settings, futureparams are new parameters, retiringEpoch is the
-- epoch that has been set for pool retirement. Any of these may be Nothing.
data Params crypto = Params
{ poolParameters :: Maybe (PoolParams crypto)
, futurePoolParameters :: Maybe (PoolParams crypto)
, retiringEpoch :: Maybe EpochNo
} deriving Show

-- | Pretty printing for pool parameters
instance Crypto.Crypto crypto => ToJSON (Params crypto) where
toJSON (Params p fp r) = object
[ "poolParams" .= p
, "futurePoolParams" .= fp
, "retiring" .= r

toEncoding (Params p fp r) = pairs $ mconcat
[ "poolParams" .= p
, "futurePoolParams" .= fp
, "retiring" .= r

newtype SigningKeyFile = SigningKeyFile
{ unSigningKeyFile :: FilePath }
deriving stock (Eq, Ord)
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions doc/index.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ cardano-node
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion doc/reference/
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Expand Up @@ -61,12 +61,14 @@ The `stake-pool` command contains the following sub commands:

*cardano-cli query*
The `query` command contains the following sub commands:
* `protocol-parameters`(advanced): retrieves the node’s current pool parameters (a raw dump of `Ledger.ChainDepState`). This
* `protocol-parameters` (advanced): retrieves the node’s current pool parameters (a raw dump of `Ledger.ChainDepState`). This
* `tip`: gets the node’s current tip (slot number, hash, and block number)
* `utxo`: retrieves the node’s current UTxO, filtered by address
* `ledger-state` (advanced): dumps the current state of the node (a raw dump of `Ledger.NewEpochState`)
* `stake-address-info`: Get the current delegations and reward accounts filtered by stake address.
* `stake-distribution`: Get the node's current aggregated stake distribution
* `stake-snapshot` (advanced): Get the stake snapshot information for a stake pool
* `pool-params` (advanced): Get the current and future parameters for a stake pool

*cardano-cli governance*
The `governance` command contains the following sub commands:
Expand Down

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