Byron - I want to vote on behalf of myself and others (Become a DRep)
I want a feature that allows me to upload a metadata anchor on chain so that when the DRep Explorer is live people will see my profile and delegate to me.
As someone who wants to vote on behalf of myself and others
When I choose this option then I must enter a metadata anchor.
Then I can register as a DRep.
Given that I have my wa…
I want a feature that allows me to upload a metadata anchor on chain so that when the DRep Explorer is live people will see my profile and delegate to me.
As someone who wants to vote on behalf of myself and others
When I choose this option then I must enter a metadata anchor.
Then I can register as a DRep.
Given that I have my wallet connected and I am on the dashboard
When I choose the “register to vote on behalf of myself and others”
Then I am told what this entails including how much the deposit is and how I can get it back.
Given that I am on the Register to Vote on Behalf of Yourself and Others, Roles and Responsibilities page
When I choose to Continue to Register
Then I am taken to the Add Information page
Given that I am on the Add Information page
When I enter a valid metadata anchor
Then I am able to save the metadata anchor temporarily and move to the Confirm Registration page
Given that I am on the Confirm Registration page, and I agree with the legal jargon
When I press the Register button
Then my wallet opens and I can use it to send my registration transaction that includes my metadata anchor
Given that I am on the Confirm Registration page, and I agree with the legal jargon
When I press the Register button
Then GovTool builds a transaction that will register me as a DRep and delete my own voting power to myself in a single transaction. It will then send it to my wallet which will open ready for me to sign.
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