#Validation from Server for Angular Agility
Angular Agility form validation that is retrieved from Web API and DTO classes in the form of the JSON object that AA expects.
##Blog Angular Agility: AngularJS Validation Pulled from Web API
##Usage Typically, the following code would reside on the Web API controller code:
public IHttpActionResult GetValidations(string dtoObjectName, string jsonObjectName)
var valHelper = new ValidationHelper();
object jsonObject = valHelper.GetValidations(dtoObjectName, jsonObjectName,
"Namespace.If.Doesnt.Match.Assembly", useCamelCaseForProperties, "DTO.Assembly.Name");
return Ok(jsonObject);
- dtoObjectName is the name of the class in your DTO assembly.
- jsonObjectName is the name of the model object on your website.
- "Namespace.If.Doesnt.Match.Assembly" is an alternate namespace...by default is uses DTO.Assembly.Name.
- "useCamelCaseForProperties" is a bool indicating if the helper should provide case alteration to property names to produce camel case.
- "DTO.Assembly.Name" is the name of the assembly to load for reflecting the DTO properties that have validation attributes.
##Using GetValidationsParms to call GetValidations If your project is using a separate assembly for resource files, use the GetValidationsParms version of GetValidations. The call would now look like this:
public IHttpActionResult GetValidations(string dtoObjectName, string jsonObjectName)
var valHelper = new ValidationHelper();
var parms = new GetValidationsParms(dtoObjectName, jsonObjectName);
parms.DtoAlternateNamespace = "Namespace.If.Doesnt.Match.Assembly";
parms.DtoAssemblyNames = "DTO.Assembly.Name";
parms.UseCamelCaseForProperties = true;
parms.ResourceNamespace = "Namespace.For.Resource";
parms.ResourceAssemblyName = "Resource.Assembly.Name";
object jsonObject = valHelper.GetValidations(parms);
return Ok(jsonObject);
##DTO Example
namespace AATestAPI.Models
public class ValidationTest
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Phone { get; set; }
public string Website { get; set; }
public string CreditCard { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string MaxLengthTest { get; set; }
public string MinLengthTest { get; set; }
[Range(1, 5)]
public int RangeTest { get; set; }
[RegularExpression(RegexConstants.Integer, ErrorMessage = "Must be an integer")]
public string IntegerString { get; set; }
[StringLength(10, MinimumLength = 2)]
public string StringLengthTest { get; set; }
##AngularJS Website ###View This is a typical Angular Agility form:
<div class="page-header">
<h1>Angular Agility Validation From Server</h1>
<div aa-configured-form validation-config="formconfig" class="form-horizontal" ng-form="aatest">
<input aa-field-group="model.Name" />
<input aa-field-group="model.Phone" />
<input aa-field-group="model.Website" />
<input aa-field-group="model.CreditCard" />
<input aa-field-group="model.Email" />
<input aa-field-group="model.MaxLengthTest" />
<input aa-field-group="model.MinLengthTest" />
<input aa-field-group="model.RangeTest" type="number" />
<input aa-field-group="model.IntegerString" />
<input aa-field-group="model.StringLengthTest" />
<button aa-submit-form="submit()" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
###UI-ROUTER State Definition Use the 'resolve' property and return a promise so that the controller doesn't get created until the validation is retrieved from the server. See this excellent explanation of this technique: How to force AngularJS resource resolution with ui-router. Of course this assumes you are using ui-router.
angular.module('app', [
.config(['$stateProvider', function ($stateProvider) {
$stateProvider.state('aatest', {
url: ''
, resolve: {
validationService: 'validationService',
validationData: function (validationService) {
var valData = validationService.getValidations('ValidationTest', 'model');
return valData;
, views: {
'content@': {
templateUrl: 'aatest.html'
, controller: 'aatestController'
###Controller The controller now can inject validationData since it was resolved in the router definition.
.controller('aatestController', aatestController);
aatestController.$inject = ['$scope', 'validationData'];
function aatestController($scope, validationData) {
function activate() {
$scope.model = {};
$scope.formconfig = angular.isUndefined(validationData) ? undefined : validationData.data;
See file development.md for more infos on the project structure.