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GitHub API Merge App

Thomas Hunter II edited this page Jun 22, 2019 · 1 revision

This application makes two outbound requests, transforms the data into a simpler format, and responds with the combined request. This is often referred to as the API Facade pattern.

Application File app.js

This file only needs a single incoming route, GET /merge/:username. It will make two outgoing HTTP requests and so we whitelist those requests.

app.port = 3000;

app.route('GET', '/merge/:username', 'gh-merge.js', policy => {

Command Line

You'll be able to run the application by doing the following:

$ osgood ./app.js
$ curl http://localhost/merge/tlhunter

The :username segment in the URL will be extracted and provided to the application via context.params.username.

Worker File merge.js

This application will make two requests to the GitHub API to get a list of gists and a list of repos for the specified user. It will then sort the entries by popularity and strip out a bunch of redundant data. Finally it will reply with the subset of data.

const MAX_LIST = 3;

export default async function (request, context) {
  const username = context.params.username;

  const [gists_req, repos_req] = await Promise.all([

  const [gists, repos] = await Promise.all([

  return transform(gists, repos);

function transform(gists, repos) {
  const owner = gists.length ? gists[0].owner : repos[0].owner;
  const payload = {
    user: {
      username: owner.login,
      avatar:   owner.avatar_url,
      url:      owner.html_url,
    repos: [],
    gists: [],

  repos.sort((a, b) => {
    if (a.watchers_count > b.watchers_count) return -1;
    else if (a.watchers_count < b.watchers_count) return 1;

  gists.sort((a, b) => {
    if (a.comments > b.comments) return -1;
    else if (a.comments < b.comments) return 1;

  let repo_count = 0;
  for (const repo of repos) {
    if (repo.disabled || repo.archived || repo.private) continue;
    if (++repo_count > MAX_LIST) break;
      name:     repo.full_name,
      url:      repo.html_url,
      desc:     repo.description,
      created:  repo.created_at,
      updated:  repo.updated_at,
      watchers: repo.watchers_count,
      forks:    repo.forks_count,

  let gist_count = 0;
  for (const gist of gists) {
    if (!gist.public) continue;
    if (++gist_count > MAX_LIST) break;
      url:      gist.html_url,
      desc:     gist.description,
      created:  gist.created_at,
      updated:  gist.updated_at,
      comments: gist.comments,

  return JSON.stringify(payload, null, 4);
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