This repository contains the .NET client library for the Invoiced API.
You can find detailed API documentation along with .NET code snippets here.
First, you must instantiate a new client
using Invoiced;
var connection = new Connection("{YOUR_API_KEY}",Invoiced.Environment.sandbox);
Then, API calls can be made like this:
# retrieve invoice
var invoice = connection.NewInvoice().retrieve(1);
# mark as paid
var payment = connection.NewPayment();
payment.Amount = invoice.Balance;
payment.Method = "check";
payment.AppliedTo = new[]
new PaymentItem {Type = "invoice", Amount = 100, Invoice = invoice.Id}
The test suite can be ran with dotnet test
Follow these steps to publish a package to NuGet:
dotnet pack invoicedapi -c Release --output nuget
cd nuget
nuget push Invoiced.X.X.X.nupkg <apikey> -Source