Important Notice: The Base Code for the Server is a modified and edited version of the GraphQL Tutorial found here:
HOW TO TEST (In Windows)
Having Downloaded Node.js (in order to use npm)
Follow Steps
clone the repository to a desired location of your PC, using the command in CMD: git clone repository_url (the repository url can be obtained from GitHub online clicking on the green Code Button)
After cloning is completed, open the cmd again and move to the repository directory that has been created. (cd GraphQL-Server)
Then, move to 'server' directory (cd server)
In this directory, run the commands one by one:
i. npm install express
ii. npm install -g nodemon
iii.npm install lodash
iv. npm install mongoose
that's all. to RUN THE SERVER, just run nodemon app and it should be doing good. (keep cmd open)
open a browser and on the top searchbar type : http://localhost:4000/graphql
To test the GraphQL server, try writing to the editor:
{ books{ name id author{ name } } }
or try some of the Queries from Queries.txt