A basic Telegram bot to fetch currency rates and notify you for any potential gain/loss
- You will need to setup a Telegram bot. You can start from here
- I use APILayer's Exchange Rates Data API because it's free and simple, but anything goes as long as you are willing to adapt the code a bit.
This bot was made to run on AWS Lambda functions, so it's necessary to create a zip archive (sigh) to deploy the code
To generate an archive that can be uploaded on AWS, just run the
script. -
Remember to setup the input data:
{ "from": "USD", "to":"EUR", "avg_rate":1.00000 }
Choose an appropriate schedule to run the bot, like
rate(1 hour)
Loris Occhipinti
- ✉️Contact me at: loris@lorisocchipinti.com
- ⭐Website: https://blog.lorisocchipinti.com