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SIM800L GSM module library for the Raspberry Pi to send, receive, delete SMS messages, perform HTTP GET/POST requests and many additional queries


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Raspberry Pi SIM800L GSM module

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SIM800L GSM module library for Linux systems like the Raspberry Pi.

This library interfaces the SIM800L GSM device and allows sending, receiving and deleting SMS messages, as well as performing HTTP GET/POST requests, synching/updating the RTC and getting other information from the module.


Hw Requirements

  • Linux system with a UART serial port, or Raspberry Pi with Raspberry Pi OS (this library has been tested with Buster and Bullseye).
  • External power supply for the SIM800L (using the Raspberry Pi 5V power supply, a standard diode (1N4007) with voltage drop of about 0.6 volts and a 2200 uF capacitor might work).


Check that the Python version is 3.6 or higher (python3 -V), then install the sim800l-gsm-module with the following command:

python3 -m pip install sim800l-gsm-module

Prerequisite components: pyserial, gsm0338. All needed prerequisites are automatically installed with the package.

Alternatively to the above mentioned installation method, the following steps allow installing the latest version from GitHub.

  • Optional preliminary configuration (if not already done):

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get -y upgrade
    sudo add-apt-repository universe # this is only needed if "sudo apt install python3-pip" fails
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt install -y python3-pip
    python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
    sudo apt install -y git
  • Run this command:

  python3 -m pip install git+

To uninstall:

python3 -m pip uninstall -y sim800l-gsm-module

Hardware connection


Disabling the serial console login

Disabling the serial console login is needed in order to enable communication between the Raspberry Pi and SIM800L via /dev/serial0.

  • Open the terminal on your pi and run sudo raspi-config
  • Select Interfaces → Serial
  • Select No to the 1st prompt and Yes for the 2nd one.

Basic use

Check Usage examples. Basic program:

from sim800l import SIM800L
sim800l = SIM800L()
print("Unit Name:", sim800l.get_unit_name())

API Documentation

Tested with SIM800L firmware Revision:1418B05SIM800L24 (SIM800L R14.18, Build 05).

SIM800 does not support AT+HTTPSSL on firmware release <R14.00 (e.g., 1308B08SIM800L16 -> SIM800L R13.08 Build 08).

For debugging needs, logs can be set to the maximum level (verbose mode, tracing each request/response) with the following command:

import logging

sim800l = SIM800L(port='/dev/serial0', baudrate=115000, timeout=3.0)

Class instantiation (using pySerial)

  • port: port name
  • baudrate: baudrate in bps
  • timeout: timeout in seconds


Check whether the SIM card has been inserted. return: True if the SIM is inserted, otherwise False. None in case of module error.

command(cmdstr, lines=1, waitfor=500, msgtext=None, flush_input=True)

Executes an AT command. A newline must be added at the end of the AT command (e.g., sim800l.command("AT+CCLK?\n", lines=-1)). Input is flushed before sending the command (flush_input=False disables flushing). The first newline is discarded (if lines != 0).

  • cmdstr: AT command string
  • lines: number of expexted lines (see below)
  • waitfor: number of (milliseconds - 1000) to wait for the returned data; not used if <= 1000 milliseconds.
  • msgtext: only to be used when sending SMS messages, it includes the SMS text.
  • flush_input: True if residual input is flushed before sending the command. False disables flushing.

return: the first line is returned (string); use check_incoming() to read the subsequent lines. None is returned when no data is received (or module error).

If lines=0, terminates just after writing text to the device (no bytes read; no return code, e.g. None returned). Note: check_incoming() can be subsequently used to read data from the device (see subsequent example).

If lines<0 (e.g., lines=-1), return the concatenation of all read lines (until pySerial timeout sim800l.serial_port().timeout), separating each line by a linefeed.

If lines>1 (legacy code), return the concatenation of all read lines, separating each line by a linefeed, discarding null lines and "OK".


import time
from sim800l import SIM800L


# Send data and return the first line
print(sim800l.command("AT+CCLK?\n"))  # ...+CCLK...

# Same as before, but reading both lines
sim800l.command("AT+CCLK?\n", lines=0)  # send AT command without reading data
print("First read line:", sim800l.check_incoming())  # ...+CCLK...
print("Second read line:", sim800l.check_incoming())  # ...'OK'...

# Same as before, but more elaborated
sim800l.command("AT+CCLK?\n", lines=0)
expire = time.monotonic() + 2  # seconds
sequence = ""
s = sim800l.check_incoming()
date = None
while time.monotonic() < expire:
    if s[0] == 'GENERIC' and s[1] and s[1].startswith('+CCLK: "'):
        date = s[1].split('"')[1]
        sequence += "D"
    if s == ('OK', None):
        sequence += "O"
    if sequence == "DO":
        print("Date:", date)
    s = sim800l.check_incoming()

if not date:

command_data_ok(cmd, attempts=2)

Send AT command to the device, read the answer and then check the existence of the OK message. "cmd" shall not have the ending newline.

  • cmd: AT command
  • attempts: number of attempts before returning None or False return: string in case of successful retrieval; otherwise None if module error or False if missing OK message

command_ok(cmd, check_download=False, check_error=False, cmd_timeout=10, attempts=2)

Send AT command to the device and check that the return sting is OK. Newline must not be put at the end of the string.

  • cmd: AT command
  • check_download: True if the “DOWNLOAD” return sting has to be checked
  • check_error: True if the “ERROR” return sting has to be checked
  • cmd_timeout: timeout in seconds
  • attempts: number of attempts before returning False return: True = OK received, False = OK not received (or module error). If check_error, can return ERROR; if check_download, can return DOWNLOAD


Connect to the bearer and get the IP address of the PDP context. Automatically perform the full PDP context setup. Reuse the IP session if an IP address is found active.

  • apn: APN name return: False if error (including module error), otherwise return the IP address (as string)


Delete the SMS message referred to the index

  • index_id: index in the SMS message list starting from 1 return: None


Disconnect the bearer. return: True if succesfull, False if error


Return the battery voltage in Volts return: floating (volts). None in case of module error.

Example: 4.158


Get the ICCID return: string; None in case of module error.

Example: "1122334455667788990f"


Return the clock date available in the module. return: datetime.datetime; None in case of module error.

Example: "2022-03-09 19:59:31"


Get the SIM800 GSM module flash ID return: string; None in case of module error.

Example: "Device Name:SERIAL§FLASH§MTKSIP§6261§SF§24§01"


Get the SIM800 GSM module hw revision return: string; None in case of module error.

Example: "Revision:1418B05SIM800L24"


Get the IMSI return: string; None in case of module error.

Example: "112233445566778"


Get the IP address of the PDP context return: valid IP address string if the bearer is connected, otherwise None (e.g., module error).


Return the unsolicited notification of incoming SMS return: number


Get the MSISDN subscriber number return: string. None in case of module error.


Display the current network operator that the handset is currently registered with. return: operator string. None in case of module error. False in case of SIM error.

Example: "Vodafone"


Display a full list of network operator names. return: dictionary of "numeric: "name" fields; None in case of error.


Get the SIM800 GSM module serial number return: string; None in case of module error.

Example: "866782042319455"


Get the Get Service Provider Name stored inside the SIM return: string. None in case of module error. False in case of SIM error.


Get the signal strength return: number; min = 3, max = 100; None in case of module error.

Example: 40.625


Get the SIM800 GSM module temperature in Celsius degrees return: string; None in case of module error.

Example: "24.21"


Get the SIM800 GSM module unit name return: string (e.g., "SIM800 R14.18"); None in case of module error.


Perform a hard reset of the SIM800 module through the RESET pin. This function can only be used on a Raspberry Pi.

  • reset_gpio: RESET pin return: True if the SIM is active after the reset, otherwise False. None in case of module error.

http(url="...", data="...", apn="...", method="...", use_ssl=False, ua=None, content_type="application/json", allow_redirection=False, http_timeout=10, keep_session=False, attempts=2)

Run the HTTP GET method or the HTTP PUT method and return retrieved data Automatically perform the full PDP context setup and close it at the end (use keep_session=True to keep the IP session active). Reuse the IP session if an IP address is found active. Automatically open and close the HTTP session, resetting errors.

  • url: URL
  • data: input data used for the PUT method (bytes; e.g., use data="string".encode())
  • apn: APN name
  • method: "GET" or "PUT"
  • use_ssl: True if using HTTPS, False if using HTTP (see note)
  • ua: User agent (string); is not set, the SIM800L default user agent is used ("SIMCOM_MODULE").
  • content_type: (string) set the "Content-Type" field in the HTTP header
  • allow_redirection: True if HTTP redirection is allowed (e.g., if the server sends a redirect code (range 30x), the client will automatically send a new HTTP request)
  • http_timeout: timeout in seconds
  • keep_session: True to keep the PDP context active at the end
  • attempts: number of attempts before returning False return: False if error, otherwise the returned data (as string)

While the Content type header field can be set, the Content encoding is always null.

Sending data with zlib is allowed:

import zlib
body = zlib.compress('hello world'.encode())
sim800l.http("...url...", method="PUT", content_type="zipped", data=body, apn="...")

Note on SSL: SIM800L datasheets report that the embedded IP stack only supports SSL2, SSL3 and TLS 1.0. These cryptographic protocols are deprecated for all modern backend servers and the connection will be generally denied by the server, typically leading to SIM800L error 605 or 606 when establishing an HTTPS connection. Some SIM800L datasheets also report support of TLS 1.2 but this does not appear to be true with firmware Revision 1418B05SIM800L24. So, using use_ssl=True is discouraged; setting a Python web server to support the SSL option of a SIM800L client module is not straightforward (it is better to use an application encryption instead of SSL). Generally, to be able to connect an HTTPS web service, a separate proxy server is needed (e.g., a custom Python application in cloud), receiving non-SSL HTTP requests from the SIM800L module (possibly with application encryption) and forwarding them to the AWS Lambda HTTP API gateway via HTTPS.

Notice also that, depending on the web server, a specific SSL certificate could be needed for a successful HTTPS connection; the SIM800L module has a limited support of SSL certificates and installing an additional one is not straightforfard.

An additional problem is related to possible DNS errors when accessing endpoints. Using IP addresses is preferred.

internet_sync_time(time_server='', time_zone_quarter=4, apn=None, http_timeout=10, keep_session=False)

Connect to the bearer, get the IP address and sync the internal RTC with the local time returned by the NTP time server (Network Time Protocol). Automatically perform the full PDP context setup. Disconnect the bearer at the end (unless keep_session = True) Reuse the IP session if an IP address is found active.

  • time_server: internet time server (IP address string)
  • time_zone_quarter: time zone in quarter of hour
  • http_timeout: timeout in seconds
  • keep_session: True to keep the PDP context active at the end return: False if error, otherwise the returned date (datetime.datetime)

Example: "2022-03-09 20:38:09"

query_ip_address(url=None, apn=None, http_timeout=10, keep_session=False)

Connect to the bearer, get the IP address and query an internet domain name, getting the IP address. Automatically perform the full PDP context setup. Disconnect the bearer at the end (unless keep_session = True) Reuse the IP session if an IP address is found active.

  • url: internet domain name to be queried
  • http_timeout: timeout in seconds
  • keep_session: True to keep the PDP context active at the end return: False if error (None for module error), otherwise the returned IP address (string)


Check whether the SIM is Registered, home network return: Truse if registered, otherwise False. . None in case of module error.


Read the message at position 1, otherwise delete all SMS messages, regardless the type (read, unread, sent, unsent, received). If the message is succesfully retrieved, no deletion is done. (Deletion only occurs in case of retrieval error.) Notice that, while generally message 1 is the first to be read, it might happen that no message at position 1 is available, while other positions might still include messages; for those cases (missing message at position 1, but other messages available at other positions), the whole set of messages is deleted. Use index_id=0 to delete all messages without trying to retrieve the one at position 1. return: text of the read message


Check messages, read one message and then delete it. This function can be repeatedly called to read all stored/received messages one by one and delete them.

  • all_msg: True if no filter is used (read and unread messages). Otherwise only the unread messages are returned. return: retrieved message text (string), otherwise: None = no messages to read; False = read error (module error)


Read the SMS message referred to the index_id position

  • index_id: index in the SMS message list starting from 1 return: None if error, otherwise return a tuple including: MSISDN origin number, SMS date string, SMS time string, SMS text

send_sms(destno, msgtext)

Send SMS message

  • destno: MSISDN destination number
  • msgtext: Text message return: True if message is sent, otherwise False


Return the serial port (for direct debugging) return:


Set the Linux system date with the GSM time return: date string. None in case of module error.

Example: "2022-03-09 20:10:54"


Run setup strings for the initial configuration of the SIM800 module return: True if setup is successfully completed; None in case of module error.


Encode string to bytes using the 3GPP TS 23.038 / ETSI GSM 03.38 codec.

  • string: UTF8 string return: gsm03.38 bytes


Decode GSM 03.38 encoded bytes, returning a string.

  • buf: gsm03.38 bytes return: UTF8 string


Internal function, used to check incoming data from the SIM800L module, decoding messages. It also fires the functions configured with callback_msg() and callback_no_carrier(). return: tuple

Return values:

  • ('GENERIC', None): no data received
  • ('GENERIC', data): received data is returned (data is a string)
  • ("HTTPACTION_PUT", False, size): invalid HTTP PUT method, with return code different from 200
  • ("HTTPACTION_PUT", True, size): valid HTTP PUT method; size is the number of returned characters
  • ("HTTPACTION_GET", False, size): invalid HTTP GET method, with return code different from 200
  • ("HTTPACTION_GET", True, size): valid HTTP GET method; size is the number of returned characters
  • ("IP", "ip address"): bearer connected, received IP address
  • ("IP", None): Disconnected
  • ("CMTI", index_id): received SMS message with index index_id
  • ("NOCARRIER", None): "NO CARRIER" message detected
  • ("RING", None): "RING" message detected
  • ("OK", None): "OK" message detected
  • ("DOWNLOAD", None): "DOWNLOAD" message detected
  • ("ERROR", None): "ERROR" message detected
  • ("DNS", None, error): DNS error message
  • ("DNS", dns1, dns2): IP address and FQDN retrieved from the DNS
  • ("NTP", None, error): NTP query error
  • ("NTP", date, 0): Successful NTP query; date is datetime.datetime format
  • ("COPN", numeric, name): Operator number and name
  • ("CREG", numeric): Registration status
  • ("CTZV", tz1, tz2): Time Zone
  • ("PSUTTZ", year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tz1, tz2): time and time zone
  • ("DST", dst): Daylight Saving Time
  • ("RDY", None): Power procedure completed
  • ("CFUN", numeric): Phone functionality indication
  • ("PIN", pin): PIN
  • ("MSG", "Call Ready): Call ready
  • ("MSG", "SMS Ready): SMS ready

Usage sample 1:

if self.check_incoming() != ("OK", None):


(legacy code, not used)


Set the module to the HEX character set (only hexadecimal values from 00 to FF) return: "OK" if successful, otherwise None in case of module error.


Set the module to the International reference alphabet (ITU-T T.50) character set return: "OK" if successful, otherwise None in case of module error.


(legacy code, not used)

  • function: Python function with no args


(legacy code) Configure a callback function, fired when check_incoming() receives a message (+CMTI returned, indicating new message received).

  • function: Python function with no args


(legacy code) Configure a callback function, fired when check_incoming() receives "NO CARRIER".

  • function: Python function with no args

Usage examples

from sim800l import SIM800L
sim800l = SIM800L('/dev/serial0')

Return module information

from sim800l import SIM800L

sim800l = SIM800L()

print("Service provider:",
print("Signal strength:",
    sim800l.get_signal_strength(), "%")
    sim800l.get_temperature(), "degrees")
print("Battery Voltage:",
    sim800l.get_battery_voltage(), "V")
print("Unit Name:",

if sim800l.is_registered():
    print("SIM is registered.")
    print("SIM NOT registered.")

Sync time with internet

sim800l.internet_sync_time(apn="...", time_zone_quarter=...)

Query the DNS for an internet name

sim800l.query_ip_address(url="", apn="...")

Hard reset

# Note: connect the RST pin with GPIO23 (pin 16 of the Raspberry Pi)
sim800l.hard_reset(23)  # see schematics

Send SMS

sms="Hello there"

Read the next SMS message

msg = sim800l.read_next_message(all_msg=True)

HTTP GET samples

print(sim800l.http("", method="GET", apn="..."))
print(sim800l.http("", method="GET", use_ssl=False, apn="..."))  # HTTP
print(sim800l.http("", method="GET", use_ssl=True, apn="..."))  # HTTPS

Note: time ago succeeded with HTTPS because supporting an old SSL version. Curently the test fails with HTTPS.

HTTP PUT sample

print(sim800l.http("", data='{"name","abc"}'.encode(), method="PUT", apn="..."))  # HTTPS
print(sim800l.http("", data='{"name","abc"}'.encode(), method="PUT", use_ssl=False, apn="..."))  # HTTP

Read the n-th SMS

Read the SMS indexed by the index_id value [ref. also check_incoming()]
index_id=...  # e.g., 1

Callback action

(legacy code)

def print_delete():
    # Assuming the SIM has no SMS initially
    sms = sim800l.read_sms(1)


while `True`:




This library is a fork of with many additions.

The backward compatibility with the original repo is still kept.

SIM900/SIM800 are 2G only modems, make sure your provider supports 2G as it is already being phased out in a lot of areas around the world, else a 3G/4G modem like the SIM7100 / SIM5300 is warranted.


SIM800L GSM module library for the Raspberry Pi to send, receive, delete SMS messages, perform HTTP GET/POST requests and many additional queries




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