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Tsalikian (2005)

marymartin16 edited this page Jun 15, 2020 · 17 revisions

Link to CGM data - Must enter name, email, institution and purpose upon download.

Link to original paper

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Study Summary

The purpose of this study was to find out how often low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) occurs during the night after exercise in late afternoon for children aged 10 to 18 with type 1 diabetes. The total sample size was 50 participants. The OneTouch Ultra Meter was used to continuously monitor glucose levels during two seperate 24 hours periods.

Sample size Diabetes Type Population Group CGM device Duration
50 Type 1 Children (10-18) OneTouch Ultra Meter 48 hours

Covariate Data

The following data is available at the above link, in addition to the CGM data.

  • A1C
  • Insulin
  • Medications
  • Patient Demographics

Pre-processing Script

Below is a script to pre-process the CGM data:

Use agreements

This data set comes with the following data use agreement:

Use of the DirecNet publicly-available data requires that you include the following attribution and disclaimer in any publication, presentation or communication resulting from use of these data:

The source of the data is DirecNet, but the analyses, content and conclusions presented herein are solely the responsibility of the authors and have not been reviewed or approved by DirecNet.

By downloading a DirecNet dataset, you are agreeing to these requirements.

The above use agreement comes from the JAEB website and is presented on the download page.

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