Collect Argo float profiles as NetCDF from the Global Data Assembly Centre and push to Erddap via Kafka
- Developed on Python 2.7
- Dependencies are detailied in the requirements.txt file
sudo mkdir /opt/argos
sudo chown dmuser:dmuser /opt/argos
cd /opt/argos
git clone .
pip install -r requirements.txt
to store data from http to kafka:
./ -c argo.json --input http --output kafka
to store data from kafka to the file system:
./ -c argo.json --input http --output file --no-commit
or to store data from http to the file system:
./ -c argo.json --input http --output file --no-commit
The control file is a JSON file which specifies various parameters
- logfile - A string giving the full path to which the app will log
- http - a JSON object
- url - A string giving the GDAC URL pattern to poll data from {{floatID}} and {{quality}} and {{profileID}} will be replaced in the app
- padProfileID - An integer giving how many digits to pad the profile ID out to (i.e. for a pattern of 001, 002, 003 use 3)
- file - a JSON object
- target - A string giving the target file path, {{float}} and {{basename}} will be replaced by the app
- kafka - a JSON object
- topic - a string giving the topic to send messages to
- hosts - a comma separated string of server:port kafka servers
- consumer_group - a string so used to commit offsets in kafka
- floats - A JSON object of multiple "floatID": lastProfileIDProcessed key-value-pairs
- floatID - A string identifying this float
- lastProfileIDProcessed - An integer giving the last profile processed for this float. Use null to begin with the last profile. received by the GDAC. Use 0 to start from the first profile received for a given float
An example control file is given below, and here
"logfile": "~/logs/argo_log.txt",
"http": {
"url": "{{floatID}}/profiles/{{quality}}{{floatID}}_{{profileID}}.nc",
"padProfileID": 3
"floats": {
"6900444": 185,
"6900658": 185
"kafka": {
"topic": "argo",
"hosts": "",
"consumer_group": "kafka"
To add a new float, for example 6901933, use the add_float command. Like this:
/opt/argos/add_float 6901933
Cron entry:
8 * * * * /opt/argos/update_floats >> /home/dmuser/update_floats.log 2>&1