This SFML version was compiled for the GCC MinGW 64 bit compiler of Qt 5.12.9.
- Download it and put it on C:/ (C:/SFML_Qt_MinGW).
- Download the is::Engine game engine and put it on C:/ (C:/is-Engine).
- is::Engine is already preconfigured to use this version of SFML (no need to link SFML files).
- Laurent Gomila — main developer (
- Marco Antognini — OS X developer (
- Jonathan De Wachter — Android developer (
- Jan Haller (
- Stefan Schindler (
- Lukas Dürrenberger (
- binary1248 (
- Artur Moreira (
- Mario Liebisch (
- And many other members of the SFML community
You can get the latest official release on SFML's website. You can also get the current development version from the Git repository.
There are several places to learn SFML:
- The official tutorials
- The online API documentation
- The community wiki
- The community forum (French)
SFML is an open-source project, and it needs your help to go on growing and improving. If you want to get involved and suggest some additional features, file a bug report or submit a patch, please have a look at the contribution guidelines.