- Our project helps the person quit smoking
- For things like loosing weight and getting fitter there is a roadmap for it which is curatted by healthcare person but to quit smoking there is no such path
- Some websites implement the the quit smoking plan by making the user addict to a different substance . Example - nicotex. Thus , these websites give users new addiction .
- Our goal is to help user give up his addiction by showing them there progress on how far have they come so that they will not loose there willpower to quit smoking .
- Smoking can only be quitted by sheer willpower and proper guidance and not by taking nicotex.
- Our fullstack application may not be a complete solution or a roadmap to quit smoking but it will help people who want to quit smoking and not let them give up in the process.
- We help people to track there triggers and log there triggers each day in the form of journals
- In community support section we want to add another section where people will live there doubts or ask for suggestion from certified healthcare
professionals providing them with information whose results are proven medically so that they will get an effective solution to there problem.
- Takes daily update on how many ciggerates you smoked.
- Generates data for the user lung capacity and lung diesease risk according to the general data from the age group , gender and number of ciggerated smoked