This is a Desktop based application mainly used for ordering food.
- User can register, view menu, order food from anywhere, manage their profile.
- Anyone can order food, but registered users get discount/promotion.
- Admin can place food order inside food shop, modify his profile info.
- Users can also leave their valuable feedback through a comment section.
Create a database named 'food_shop' in MySql server. Import database (food_shop.sql) file inside this database.
It'll probably give an error, because this database file size exceeded deafult MySql database importing filesize.
Go to php.ini file and find these two things below :
//post_max_sizeAnd change their value like these :
upload_max_filesize = 10M
post_max_size = 10MCheck this link, it'll help :
Database -> Done.
Now, on your command prompt window, run the Non-Packaged Version with command : java Main
Run the Packaged Version with : java home.Main
This is very basic java project. My intention to upload this so that java beginners can learn from it, get some idea for their project.
Enjoy !!