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Mark Jordan edited this page Oct 11, 2018 · 17 revisions


This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the info:

  • Time: 1:00pm Eastern Daylight Time US (UTC-4)
  • Zoom link:
  • IRC:
    • Join the #islandora chat room via Freenode Web IRC (enter a unique nick)
    • Or point your IRC client to #islandora on


  • Danny Lamb
  • Melissa Anez
  • Alan Stanley
  • Jared Whiklo
  • Jonathan Green
  • Mark Jordan
  • Minnie Rangel ⭐️ 🌟 🌠
  • Natkeeran
  • Paul Pound
  • Paul Clifford
  • Rosie LeFaive
  • Seth Shaw


Recent Issues: 0. PSST, I want my star!

  • Add more granular fields for taxonomy terms #888
  • Danny played Icarus, needs to sort some things
  • pushed things needing to do with authorizations based on Taxonomies and field permissions on that to the islandora-demo module
  • this leaves core islandora agnostic
  • removing caused some stuff to blow up
    • when you re-export config some settings not being cleared out.
  • working to get this back into shape and push once he confirms installer still works
  • As a side effect of all this, we had an organizational change
    • Danny went through all the claw repos and converted those that were running travis as a service to the GitHub app
    • Everything looks like it is working but if something funky happens, report
  • Add a search block #953
  • been meaning to get through for a while
  • just add a drupal search block and export configuration and ship with demo module
  • all the search stuff is set up and wired into solr
  • Class 'Islandora\Tuque\Guzzle\Client' not found during migrations #954

  • Mark discovered issue

  • will issue pull request to update the readme

  • will need to run composer in drupal base directory as opposed to running composer via composer json files in various modules * (in particular for tuque)

  • Danny:

    • running in drupal root will make it a site wide requirement
    • had to run composer require and point to tuque to get it working
    • unknown if that is the best way to do it
  • Jared shared link

    • Danny with/ Jared, had to do a crazy mix of stuff to get migrate to work
  • Danny adding it to packages

    • by adding migrate to, if you run composer on drupal root it will pull all the dependancies and put them in the needed areas
    • shouldn’t interfere with features configuration files
    • Mark will test and update the readme
  • Mark will also be writing the migration for the audit (

  • Import features using a variable #947
  • currently only one in there now
  • replace hard-coded features
  • add .yml files
  • hiccup—Danny is specifying what bundle the features are in and need to remove that specificity
  • Issue in running ffmpeg using CmdExecuteService #943

  • I heard a bunch of BLAH BLAH BLAH

  • Nat working on video derivatives with micro services

  • ffmpeg will accept an http url in the command line

  • Nat has skeleton on the CmdExecuteService up on GitHub

    • sending to the image micro service
  • you will get in the event header the URI which gets set as the LD location

  • will need to not do the APIX micro service to the controller

  • don’t try to dereference the file, just pass it in to ffmpeg

  • MORE BLAH BLAH BLAH (got really technical for a bit there)

  • Jared testing ffmpeg, hasn’t tested calling through CmdExecService

  • islandora image module can be generalized to work with any format, just pass in header what derivative needs creating

    • just point to correct queue
  • test—taking connector already in ALPACA

    • take the hard coded houdini url code and in the configurations decided where to go
    • Danny will play around with this
  • things got really down in the weeds on derivative generation for a while so for Danny (some more BLAHs)

    • so to summarize, will eliminate a bunch of code and reuse a bunch more
  • Notes from IRC:  ffmpeg -i http://localhost:8080/fcrepo/rest/2018-10/Giv%20me%20fud%20.mp4 -f avi pipe:1 > test3.avi

  • Jared posted the output to the IRC channel

  • tickets needed (Danny will create)

    • for the micro service itself
      • question on how to handle mime type mapping
    • abstract derivative generation action
    • check out deploying by dropping in config file

re-use of

  1. ... (feel free to add agenda items)
  • Pre-Release Audit #950
  • using as a meta issue to set things up and track things
  • GitHub permission settings
  • PR templates
  • expand on copyright statements
    • adding contributors to the license as best practice
  • audit will start after next islandora 7.x release
    • follows that format


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