As an LPC tutor I wanted a more convenient way to keep track of the tutees I have, and the sessions I have done on a particular day. I initially made this purely to keep track of hours.
Libraries & Toolkits used:
Nlohmann JSON library for saving and loading data locally (Found here:
Ocornut Dear ImGui library for the GUI application (Found here:
VCPKG is a C/C++ Package Manager from Microsoft (Found here:
- You can also download a precompiled executable under Releases
As of 12/16/2021 there is only a Windows executable and Linux executable avaliable, I will add more soon
As of 1/5/2022 there is an updated linux executable avaliable. Windows executable coming soon.
As of 1/6/2022 there are both Windows and Linux executables avaliable under Releases