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Release: v0.0.1 - League-rpc-disabler

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@Its-Haze Its-Haze released this 16 Apr 20:28
· 8 commits to master since this release


First release of the Native League RPC disabler.

How to use

To use this program. Download the .exe file that is attached here. And just run the .exe by either double clicking on the file, or running it from the terminal.


  1. Download the .exe file or build the project yourself from the source code.
  2. Open your path to the downloads
  3. Double click on the file
  4. That's it

Build from source

Don't trust .exe files? Got you. Just follow these steps and you will be good to go.

  1. Clone the repo, or download the source files.
  2. Install Go (If not already installed)
  3. Open a Terminal (Powershell)
  4. use "cd" command to navigate to the directory that you either cloned, or downloaded.
  5. Run the following command
$env:GO111MODULE="on"; go build -ldflags "-H=windowsgui" -o "league-rpc-disabler.exe" ./cmd
  1. Then just double click the .exe or run

What now?

A tray icon will appear. That means that the application is up and running.
To stop this, just right click on the tray icon, and click "exit".