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Releases: ItsMajestiX/ServerModManager

Full Release

12 May 02:14
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We're now in full release! Also, since I haven't been working on this for quite some time, this might be the last activity here for a while. But anyways, onto the new features:

  • server command: Creates a brand new server on windows (no linux for now).
  • createpackage command: Gets the JSON for a new package ready, so they can be added quicker.
  • JSON branching: Now updates are no longer required (but still recomended) whenever JSON changes!
  • Colored console to make install more interesting.
  • -d flag to create directories if they don't exist.

Update Update

16 Apr 01:06
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It's finally here! The long anticipated update update! Update your packages from scpman without having to remove and install again.

Features (from all betas and such):

  • update: The main piece! Just type scpman update * or scpman update packagenames to automatically check for updates and install them.

  • Multipackage: Now you can install multiple packages at once! Just add more than one package after install, remove, or update and it will get all packages listed. update and remove also support the * operator, which removes/updates all packages.

  • A flag for update , -f. Force: Always overwrites the old file with the new one even if they are the same.

  • Small file size and fewer files thanks to .NET Core 3.0 framework dependent executables

  • Incompatibilities: Now will not let you install packages that conflict.

IMPORTANT: Now requires .NET Core v3.0.0-preview3 runtime. Get it for Windows here and Linux here.

Update Update Beta 2

14 Apr 02:49
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Update Update Beta 2 Pre-release

Almost ready for release. Since the next update will change JSON, I don't want this to be out of beta yet. Full release tomorrow hopefully.

IMPORTANT: Now requires .NET Core v3.0.0-preview3 runtime. Get it for Windows here and Linux here.

scpman remove * is now an option

Update Update Beta

09 Apr 23:15
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Update Update Beta Pre-release

After fixing one bug, the code is now ready for beta. Full release soon, just want to fully format and comment the code, and make JSON updates.

IMPORTANT: Now requires .NET Core v3.0.0-preview3 runtime. Get it for Windows here and Linux here.


  • Will now not crash on remove and update when a package that does not exist is presented

Update Update Alpha 2

06 Apr 23:10
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Update Update Alpha 2 Pre-release

New improvements have been added. However, a lot has changed, and I want to ensure the code is semi cleaned before going to beta.


  • Files have been split up for easier reading and organization
  • New flag for update -f. Force; Always overwrites the old file with the new one even if they are the same.

IMPORTANT: Now requires .NET Core v3.0.0-preview3 runtime. Get it for Windows here and Linux here.

Update Update Alpha

06 Apr 02:38
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Update Update Alpha Pre-release

Very early release of the new update. It aims to add more advanced features that will make the install experience even smoother.

Multipackage: Now you can install multiple packages at once! Just add more than one package after install or remove, and it will get all packages listed. Also works with...

update: The main piece! Just type scpman update * or scpman update packagenames to automatically check for updates and install them.

IMPORTANT: Now requires .NET Core v3.0.0-preview3 runtime. Get it for Windows here and Linux here.

JSON Update

03 Apr 02:29
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Update so the new JSON format will work with the program.

IMPORTANT: Now requires .NET Core v3.0.0-preview3 runtime. Get it for Windows here and Linux here.

New features:

  • Super small install size and less files (28 MB-> 0.3 MB)!

First Official Release!

01 Apr 02:04
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The first official release!
New features:

  • Cleaned up code
  • New fancy progress bars to show download progress
  • Help function can be triggered by adding help to end of command or just by incorrectly using commands (needs some work yet, but good enough)
  • Author name in package JSON

Error Handling

31 Mar 01:50
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Error Handling Pre-release

Fix error handling and other things. First production ready release coming soon, just needs a few more additions.

First Release

30 Mar 01:12
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First Release Pre-release

Bare minimum needed to be functional.
