Simplify paddy care with PaddyCure.
PaddyCure is a mobile app designed to simplify the process of caring for paddy crops. It provides farmers with useful features and information to help them manage their paddy fields effectively.
Home Screen | Result Screen | Shop Screen | Detail Screen |
Chart Screen | History Screen | Camera Screen |
- Scan Paddy Disease: Detect your paddy's disease with specific detection.
- Fast Solving Product Recommendation: After scanning the disease, you can directly buy the product. Fast scan, fast solve.
- Recommendation Treatment: Give some recommendation treatment after scanning the disease.
- Articles Paddy Treatment: News about tips and tricks on how to properly treat your paddy.
- Shop Pesticides: Buy the pesticides as needed.
- Home Screen: View essential information and navigate to different sections and show information about Forecasting.
To install the app, follow these steps:
- Download the APK file from Paddycure app.
- Transfer the APK file to your Android device.
- On your Android device, navigate to the location where you saved the APK file and tap on it.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
- Kotlin version: 1.5.21
- Android Studio version: 4.2.1 or higher
- Minimum API Level: Android 7.0 (Nougat) - API level 24
- Target API Level: Android 12 (S) - API level 31
To clone and use this project, follow these steps:
- Open a terminal or command prompt on your computer.
- Navigate to the directory where you want to clone the project.
- Run the following command to clone the project: git clone
This project utilizes the following third-party libraries:
- Retrofit: A type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java.
- Glide: A fast and efficient image loading library.
- OkHttp: An HTTP client for making network requests.
- Jetpack Compose: A modern UI toolkit for building native Android apps.
- Jetpack Pro: A collection of Jetpack libraries for enhanced development experience and productivity.
- Shimmering effect by Landscapist: A Kotlin-based Jetpack Compose library for loading images with shimmering effect.
- CameraX: A Jetpack library for accessing and controlling the camera on Android devices.
- Lottie: A library for rendering animations and vector graphics in Android apps.
- Gmaps: A library for integrating Google Maps into Android apps.
- AsyncHttpClient: A library for making asynchronous HTTP requests in Java and Android.
- Paging Compose: A Jetpack Compose library for handling pagination in lists and grids.