KTU S3 CSL 203 - OOP JAVA Lab Programs [2019 Scheme]
Sl. No | Experiment |
1 | String Palindrome |
2 | Frequency of a character in string |
3 | Multiplication of two given matrices |
4 | Implementation of Method overloading |
5 | Concept of Inheritance |
6 | Concept of Abstract class |
7 | Concept of Interface |
8 | Exception handling |
9 | Custom Exception |
10 | File with exception handling |
11 | File Reader and File Writer |
12 | String Tokenizer |
13 | Multithreading |
14 | Thread Synchronization |
15 | GUI: Calculator using swing |
16 | GUI: Traffic Light using swing |
17 | Quick Sort |
18 | Method Overriding |
**Programs or Program name may varies according to colleges