Small Activities around Concat, Email Validation, HTML EMail creation, HTML EMail Sender, more to come. Attached ZIP contains the first release v.1.2 and can just uploaded under TIBCO Cloud Integration Extensions
This is just the start.
available Activities so far
This activity is just using GO, and no UI customization using TypeScript, etc. Just to show how simple a Implemenation could be.
- string1 (String)
- string2 (String)
- Seperator (String, one of ";","-","+","_","|" Default is "-") part of Configuration Dialog
- result (String) as full String
validates an EMail Addr
- Email Addr (String)
- valid (Boolean) just Format check
Tool creates a pretty HTML page to store e.g. into an Email body of an HTML SMTP EMail Sender.
- templateURL (String) ... sample stored in the activity template Folder
- LogoURL (String)
- Headline (String)
- Body (String)
- DirectLinkURL (String)
- Footer (String)
- valid (Boolean) just Format check
Example HTML string content as Screenshot
send HTML Emails with the Content of of the create HTML Activity, fully tested with Google SMTP Mail. Implementation is limited to what is realy needed to send a single Notification EMail. You have to use 2-factor authentication with your Account to use this Extension. Account must be enabled for 'access to less secure apps for all users'.
- Server (String) part of Configuration Dialog : default ""
- Port (String) part of Configuration Dialog : default "587"
- Sender (String) part of Configuration Dialog
- Pass (Password) App specific Password part of Configuration Dialog (see here for Detail
- To (String)
- Subject (String)
- HTML (String)
- feedback (String) on success always "done" so far
Note: more TCI Extensions can be found here: