This is built by poet. Please install poet from
Usage: svg-to-stanza <name-without-file-extension> [span-in-mm] [stroke-width-in-mm] [resolution-in-mm]
For example: svg-to-stanza mickey 100 0.1 0.1
if you have a mickey.svg
available with the placed along with svg-to-stanza
executable in the same directory. You want the largest side to be 10cm long. The stroke-width (pen thickness) be 0.1mm and resolution be 0.1mm (means curves will be broken down into 0.1mm long lines at most)
If no span, stroke-width or resolution is given, they are default to 10mm, 0.1mm, and 0.01mm respectively.
- clone this repo
- use
poet build
to create an executable - run the executable against your .svg file. e.g.
svg-to-stanza mirmo
- once the .stanza file is generated, you can move it to your jitpcb design directory
- use the .stanza file by following the instructions in the .stanza file comments.
- update your design's
if necessary.
Dec 2022