Eclipse JNoSQL is a Java framework that streamlines the integration of Java applications with NoSQL databases. It defines a set of APIs and provides a standard implementation for most NoSQL databases. This clearly helps achieve very low coupling with the underlying NoSQL technologies used in applications. The objective of this session is to show how to use the Eclipse JNoSQL framework to connect with a NoSQL database and perform operations to manipulate and extract information.
- Git
- Java 8
- Maven 3 or higher Configured
- Docker 17.12.1-ce or higher
- Docker Compose 1.21.2 or higher
- Any IDE that supports maven and Java 8
git clone
cd oc1-hands-on-2018
mvn clean install
- Run databases
- Run Docker instances
- Run Docker Compose
docker run --name redis-instance -p 6379:6379 -d redis
docker run -d --name casandra-instance -p 9042:9042 cassandra
docker run -d --name mongodb-instance -p 27017:27017 mongodb
docker run -d -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 neo4j
- Go to http://localhost:7474/browser/ set new password to admin, the default is neo4j
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml ps
This workshop is divide in four parts, each of them correspond to a different type of a NoSQL Database. You can follow any order but we recommend next (You can find instructions by clicking on a NoSQL type):
Key-value: this Lab uses Redis
Document: this Lab uses MongoDB
Graph: this Lab uses Graph-Neo4J
Column: this Lab uses Cassandra
- Name
- City
- Programming Languages
- Country
- Name
- City
- Programming Languages (name and skill level)