Hanoi_Stack is an three-stacks-machine language written in 2-bytes binary representation. Here is the details of it.
Input string is contained in 00-stack,top of whitch is 4-bytes value of string length.
Calculate top of two stacks. The result is pushed to rest of stack.
0b001 XXX YY Z NN 00000
XXX is an operator specifer.Here is the table of it.
bin | operator |
000 | Add(+) |
001 | Sub(-) |
010 | Mul(*) |
011 | Div(/) |
100 | Mod(%) |
101 | Or(|) |
110 | And(&) |
111 | Xor(^) |
YY and Z are stack specifer. Hanoi_Stack has three stacks, so YY is either of 00-10. and Z specifies one from rest of two.
NN is a bytes specifer to operate, which means (1<<NN)-bytes calculation.
Copy top of stack data to other stack.
0b0001 XX Y NN 0000000
XX and Y are stack specifer same as Operator instruction, and NN is a bytes specifer.
Push one byte immediate value.
0b01 XX VVVVVVVV 0000
XX is a stack specifer and VVVVVVVV is immediate value.
Print one byte top of stack as char code.
0b00001 XX 000000000
XX is a stack specifer.
Delete top of stack value.
0b000000 XX NN 000000
XX is a stack specifer and NN is a bytes specifer.
Change ip to the offset. Current ip points next instruction.
S is a sign flag. if S is 1, then next offset is treated as minus value.
VVVVVVVVVVVVVV is an offset. ip changes to ip+VVVVVVVVVVVVVV(or ip-VVVVVVVVVVVVVV if S is 1).
if top of stack value is zero, then next instruction is skipped.
0b000001 XX NN 000000
XX is stack specifer,and NN is bytes specifer.