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Jobsity iOS coding challenge (João Pedro de Amorim)


This is the repository regarding Jobsity's iOS coding challenge.

Features done

Mandatory Features

  • List all of the series contained in the API used by the paging scheme provided by the API.
  • Allow users to search series by name.
  • The listing and search views must show at least the name and poster image of the series.
  • After clicking on a series, the application should show the details of the series, showing the following information: Name, Poster, Days and time during which the series air, Genres, Summary, List of episodes separated by season
  • After clicking on an episode, the application should show the episode’s information, including: Name, Number, Season, Summary, Image (if there is one)

Bonus features

  • Allow the user to save a series as a favorite.
  • Allow the user to delete a series from the favorites list.
  • Allow the user to browse their favorite series in alphabetical order, and click on one to see its details.
  • Create a people search by listing the name and image of the person.
  • After clicking on a person, the application should show the details of that person, such as: Name, Image, Series they have participated in (with a link to the series details)

Prerequisites (Building)

In order to build this application, you'll need 🛠 Xcode 14+

The project itself doesn't use any external package/dependency, so in order to build on a simulator, the Xcode 14+ requirement is sufficient.

If you want to build it on device, iOS 16 is also a requirement (the deployment target of this project is set to iOS 16). You'll also need a Provisioning Profile to run on device.

I'm also exporting a signed .ipa file under the distribution folder case the tester wants to sideload the application on their phones.

Prerequisites (Development)

This project uses Swiftlint for linting in build scripts and Fastlane as a mean to build the project, test and lint it in pre-commit and pre-push actions.

To install swiftlint, from the command line, do:

brew install swiftlint

NOTE: This is assuming 🍺 Homebrew as your MacOS package manager of choice.

fastlane in this project is run through Bundler. To install Bundler, do:

gem install bundler

To install fastlane and its dependencies, from the project's root directory, do:

cd JobsityChallenge && bundle install

To run fastlane before every commit and push action, from the project's root directory, do:

chmod ug+x .git/hooks/*
echo "cd JobsityChallenge && bundle exec fastlane ci_check" > .git/hooks/pre-commit
echo "cd JobsityChallenge && bundle exec fastlane ci_check" > .git/hooks/pre-push

To add swiftlint as a build script of the project, on Xcode, under JobsityChallenge>Build Phases, add the following Run Script Phase:

export PATH="$PATH:/opt/homebrew/bin"
if which swiftlint > /dev/null; then
  echo "warning: SwiftLint not installed, download from"

This already accounts for known issues with Apple Silicon (M1) Machines (see

Project Architecture Overview

This project uses a very straightforward, simple and scalable approach of MVVVM-C (Model - View - ViewModel - Coordinator), using SwiftUI as its main UI framework.

The main target of the app is JobsityChallenge, but there's a unit test target as well, named JobsityChallengeTests.

The application's entry point is when the AppCoordinator takes hold of the application's window rootViewController in SceneDelegate. From there, things should be very easy to follow.


Jobsity's code challenge






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