released this
01 May 21:54
support for isnull
support for single quoted aliases select col1 as 'alias'
support for Unicode string literal like N'test' or U'test'
support for bitwise not ~
support for drop view
support for indexed JDBC parameters at multiple places
allowed index as object name
switched to JavaCC modern template
switched to JDK 1.7
introduced more AST node links
support for aliased table in insert into statement
support for more complex expressions within case expr when expr then expr end .
support for << and >> left and right shift operations
breaking API change: merge of within group and over (window expressions)
first support for use statements
first support for call statements
create table allows now quoted identifiers within primary key definition
introduced alias for subquery in combination with a pivot definition (this changes alias handling within the library for pivot sqls)
force the parser to fully parse a String using parseCondExpression or parseExpression
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