This is a fork that simply contains a merged PR missing from the main repo that makes hubot-auth save roles into the brain and actually persist across reboots instead of clearing them.
Props to the original authors Alex Williams (, alexwilliamsca and tombell and especially the author of the PR/Fix Dario Berzano (
Assign roles to users and restrict command access in other scripts.
Add hubot-auth-persistent to your package.json
npm install --save hubot-auth-persistent
Add hubot-auth-persistent to your external-scripts.json
Run npm install
user1>> hubot user2 has jester role
hubot>> OK, user2 has the jester role.
module.exports = (robot) ->
# Command listener
robot.respond /some command/i, (msg) ->
role = 'some-role'
user = robot.brain.userForName(
return msg.reply "#{name} does not exist" unless user?
unless robot.auth.hasRole(user, role)
msg.reply "Access Denied. You need role #{role} to perform this action."
# Some commandy stuff
msg.reply 'Command done!'
user2>> hubot some command
hubot>> Access Denied. You need role some-role to perform this action.
user1>> hubot user2 has some-role role
hubot>> OK, user2 has the some-role role.
user2>> hubot some command
hubot>> Command done!