This is a companion project to HadesVR, an open source SteamVR driver for DIY VR headsets. HadesVR is normally configured by modifying a json file in a text editor, this tool is a more user-friendly GUI for the same parameters.
There are several annoying values to find which this tool aims to simplify. Namely:
- There is a button to open SteamVR's driver folder
- It checks if the driver is in the correct folder
- Device selection is done by simply choosing from a list
- Screen selection is done by simply choosing from a list All other settings are also present
It has been tested with mingw-64 and QT6.7. Currently compiler choice shouldn't matter. I compiled it using QT Creator. Compiling for Linux doesn't make sense, since HadesVR is windows-only.
- Darkmode icons load on Windows 10 when darkmode is selected
There is a button to choose the settings file manually. You can select any file with the right .vrsettings file extension and it'll overwrite it with the right JSON file on saving.