Yeah, I know. Yet another tetris. But how mine clone is different?
- Architecture - it's not a PC, smartphone or cellphone, I've created my own platform based on 8bit microcontroller
- Code - I decided to write whole game in assembly
License: MIT
- Processor: Atmega8 (8kB flash, 1kB SRAM)
- Graphics: 104x120px, 16colors
- Input: Gamepad from Pegasus (Polish Famicom clone) (8 buttons)
- Audio: Mono, generated using PWM (unfortunately, not implemented, not enough time)
Project was made for contest on (Retro game). Contest was a good motivation for learning AVR architecture from the low level (assembly).
Also I've learned how to generate VGA image in software and I have managed to carry my project from an idea in my mind to physical, working device.
Finished and working "console" with clone of Tetris, second place in a contest, above 2000 lines of code in pure assembly, pride from finishing a project (from game project, schematics, PCB to working console).
The fact, that I don't have a library like SDL or Allegro, where I call function to display image on a monitor. I don't have any functions, operating system or even something like BIOS. Everything was implemented from scratch, including video generation line by line (the graphics card job) where I had to count instruction cycle based, in other case the video becomes desynchronized or was displayed wrong. Next I've implemented high level functions like displaying a tile and later - fonts and images.
Presentation (in Polish):
More info (in Polish):
Linus "lft" Akesson has made a demo on this micro - VGA display, chiptune music, awesome effects, must see!
Zobacz plik "vga_generacja" jeżeli interesuje cie temat generowania obrazu VGA.