Discord bot using Discord.Net 1.0.2. And tbh, it's a mess of other bots smashed into one, with my own editions. This is just something for me to learn and do as a hobby.
parameters inside []
are optional.
parameters inside ()
are the different ones you can use
parameters that have a *
can be multiple of that parameter.
Default prefix is ;
If you dont want jackbot to lock some channels make sure to disable manage permissions
in those channels, jackbot will give you a 403 error when used, but it will lock the other channels.
Using Welcome and Leave commands you can use {User} to get the user who joined or left, and {Guild} to get the guild name
To make leve and join messages appear, set the channel using ;setchannel joinchannel #channel
or ;setchannel leavechannel #channel
Adminchannel is where bans/unbans/kick's (only with command) and muterole logging will be posted
Command | parameters | usage | required permissions | details |
Forceban | User [reason] | ;forceban @user spambot in another server |
GuildPermission.BanMembers | Bans users that are not in the server |
Ban | User [reason] | ;ban @user annoying |
GuildPermission.BanMembers | Ban a user from the server |
kick | User [reason] | ;kick @user warning |
GuildPermission.KickMembers | Kick's the user from the server |
Prune | * [User] [Ammount] |
;prune @user 50 |
GuildPermission.ManageMessages | Clean the chat |
ahh | none |
;ahh |
none |
clean the bot's messages |
lock | [Channel] | ;lock or ;lock #channel |
GuildPermission.ManageChannels | Lock the channel so no messages can be sent - channels with manage permissions disabled |
unlock | [Channel] | ;unlock or ;unlock #channel |
GuildPermission.ManageChannels | Unlock the channel so messages can be sent - channels with manage permissions disabled |
slock | none |
;slock |
GuildPermission.ManageChannels | Lock the entire server - channels with manage permissions disabled |
sunlock | none |
;sunlock |
GuildPermission.ManageChannels | Unlock the entire server - channels with manage permissions disabled |
mute | User [reason] | ;mute @user being mean |
GuildPermission.ManageMessages | mutes a user, mute also has anti evade, so if they leave and rejoin the role will be automatically re added |
mute | User | ;unmute @user |
GuildPermission.ManageMessages | unmutes a user |
Command | parameters | usage | required permissions | details |
Prefix | [string] | ;prefix or ;prefix >> |
none |
Check the guild prefix or set a new one |
Welcome | [string] | ;welcome or ;welcome hi |
GuildPermission.ManageChannels | set a welcome message |
Leave | [string] | ;leave or ;leave bye |
GuildPermission.ManageChannels | set a Leave message |
Settings | none |
;settings |
none |
Check This server's settings |
Setchannel | (Adminchannel, Joinchannel, Leavechannel) Channel | ;setchannel adminchannel #channel |
GuildPermission.ManageChannels | set channels for use |
Setmuterole | rolename | ;setmuterole muted |
GuildPermission.ManageRoles | set's a muterole for the server, jackbot takes care of the perms |
Setjoinrole | rolename | ;setjoinrole newb |
GuildPermission.ManageRoles | set's a joinrole for the server, be sure to toggle joinroles for it to take effect |
Note Be sure to use toggle
before every command in this area
Command | parameters | usage | required permissions | details |
blank |
none |
;toggle |
GuildPermission.ManageChannels | Show's things you can toggle |
joinrole | none |
;toggle joinrole |
GuildPermission.ManageChannels | Enable/Disable joinrole (adds role on join) |
Antinv | none |
;toggle antinv |
GuildPermission.ManageChannels | Enable/Disable antinv (anti invite) |
Bans | none |
;toggle bans |
GuildPermission.ManageChannels | Enable/Disable bans (tied to adminchannel) |
Joins | none |
;toggle joins |
GuildPermission.ManageChannels | Enable/Disable joins (join logging to joinchannel) |
Leaves | none |
;toggle leaves |
GuildPermission.ManageChannels | Enable/Disable leaves (leave logging to leavechannel) |
GENERAL Don't add any roles with high permissions in here or they will
be abused by some angry member. Keep in mind that when you remove a role from the self-assignable roles list, someone that has the role cannot remove it from themselfs using the ;iamnot
Command | Parameter | Example | required permissions | Output |
Asar | rolename | ;asar test |
Manage Roles | Adds the specified role to the self assignable roles. Other users can then add them to themselfs using the bot |
rsar | rolename | ;rsar test |
Manage Roles | Removes the specified role from the self assignable roles. Keep in mind that afterwards users that have that role cannot remove it from themselfs using the $iamnot command! |
iam | rolename | ;iam test |
none | Adds the specified role to yourself |
iamnot | rolename | ;iamnot test |
none | Removes the specified role from yourself |
lsar | none | ;lsar |
none | list's all Self Assignable roles in the server |
Command | parameters | usage | required permissions | details |
queue | none |
;queue or q |
none |
Show's the queue in the server |
q add | yt link or search term | ;q add youtube.com/video or ;q add videoname |
none |
Add a song to the queue |
q pl | yt playlist link | ;q pl youtubeplaylist-link |
none |
try to add the 10 first videos in the playlist to the queue |
np | none |
;np |
none |
show's what song is playing and how far along it is |
q all | none |
;q all |
none |
play all songs in server's music folder |
q skip | none |
;q skip |
none |
skip current song |
q clear | none |
q clear |
none |
clear the entire queue |
q play | none |
;q play |
none |
start the music |
songs | none |
;songs |
none |
show server's music folder |
delet | number | ;delet 0 |
GuildPermission.ManageMessages | delet song from music folder |
delall | none |
;delall |
GuildPermission.ManageMessages | delet all songs from music folder |
mjoin | none |
;mjoin |
none |
join voice channel |
mleave | none |
;mleave |
none |
leave voice channel |
Notei am lazy, you can find all 23 image commands on help page 3 using the ;help