By: Jacob Lett of
Bootstrap Sass + Custom scripts and styles + Grunt
This starter project folder uses the Bootstrap 3 Sass files to create a custom theme.
You need to support IE9 and below
Create a new repo in your GitHub account and copy this repo clone URL
In your new repo on Click the "+" next to your profile image and select "import respository" and paste in the clone url
Once the new repo is created click on the green button that says "open in desktop"
In your windows GitHub application right click on the new repo and select "open in explorer"
Open up git shell and enter the following commands
npm install
bower install
grunt watch
Commit your changes and sync to your new repo
Go to your repo settings on and choose your master branch for github pages.
I created a 7-part video series to show you how to get setup and then customize Sparky.
It is compiled in the dist or distribution folder. This folder will contain anything processed or compiled by Grunt -
You sure can. Just add the underscore prefix and then reference it the style.scss file so it is imported in
All you need is the compiled files in the dist folder. The readme file helps a future developer find the source code in a public/private repo
- dist
- humans.txt
- index.html
- robots.txt
All you have to do is close the shell window. If you enter the command "start grunt watch" it will open two shell windows. One watching and the other for new commands. I usually just do "grunt watch" and leave it watching all day as I go in and out of the day. Then when I go home I commit my changes to github and close the command shell.
I use You can also include a js file in your project while developing