- See Eugeny/tabby#6612
- Use builds on Upstream Tabby Releases page.
- This repo will be up for historic purposes.
Finished builds are available on the Releases page.
Latest Tabby releases are automatically compiled for armv7l/arm64 using Github workflows.
sudo apt install -y libsecret-1-dev libfontconfig1-dev libarchive-tools jq ruby build-essentials git curl
#Install nodejs 16
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install -y nodejs
sudo gem install fpm --no-document
git clone -b $(curl --silent "" | jq -r '.tag_name') --single-branch
cd tabby
# for armhf downgrade electron to 17.0.0 in package.json
sed -i '/"electron":/c\ "electron" : "17.0.0",' package.json
sudo npm i -g yarn
cd app && yarn --network-timeout 1000000
rm node_modules/.yarn-integrity
rm -rf node_modules/cpu-features
rm -rf node_modules/ssh2/crypto/build
cd .. && yarn --network-timeout 1000000
yarn run build
USE_SYSTEM_FPM=true scripts/build-linux.js
#Build artifacts will be in dist subfolder