This is a frontend project SPA that gives another place to discover all those films and TV shows to be always updated.
- Bootstrap 4
- CSS/Sass
- React, React-router-dom, paginator
├── Home
│ ├── Popular films
│ └── Popular TV Seasons
├─── FILMS
│ └── Film Info
├─── TV Seasons
└── Seasons Info
The Landing page is composed on 3 components: HEADER, FOOTER and MAIN.
First two are fixed in every page, and main component are routed and rendered separately in 3 more.
HEADER has Search component within that implements the query and FOOTER shows some basic info.
MAIN is the complement that render the homePage and shows us either popular films and TV shows.
FILMS and TV Seasons list every single movie and season that we want with the search button. It lists using the Card component that provide a bit of info using some Css animations as Flipping.
These lists also give us the chance to see more info about every query and take us to the last component.
This component renders a most extensive info about every element.
Starring, Company, Directing and trailer are some stuff you can see.
- TMDB: Community-based movie database