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Releases: JakubFranek/Kapytal


29 Mar 21:02
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  • improved documentation
    • added screenshots gallery
    • fixed Form names in the glossary
    • added FAQ question
  • rationalized dividend return calculation
    • dividend return part of realized return is now calculated as ratio between dividends and shares bought times average buy price
      (previously the denominator was the number of paid dividends times average buy price)
    • new formula is documented in the Glossary
  • added pre-release indicator to "New version available" dialog
  • file load performance improved by calculating Securities Form data only once the Securities Form is opened for the first time after file load
  • improved Securities Form Overview tab
    • added hierarchy level for Security types
    • added column header tooltips
    • added Total Native and Base Gain per Share (calculated as Total Native or Base Gain divided by Shares bought), shown when Detailed Stats checkbox is checked
    • renamed "Performance Stats" label to "Performance"
  • improved icons in Asset Type Report tree view
  • added confirmation dialog for quitting Kapytal even when no unsaved changes have been made
  • hardcoded Monday as first day of the week in date and date & time edit widget calendar popups
  • balance of Account Groups containing only Accounts of single non-native Currency is now shown in the Account Tree Native Balance column

Bug fixes

  • fixed bug where some Securities Form Overview tab columns were sorted incorrectly
  • fixed bug where Securities which have no Buys had undefined Bought Amounts in Securities Form Overview tab (now these amounts are zero)

Full Changelog: v0.18.0...v1.0.0


11 Feb 20:01
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v1.0.0-rc2 Pre-release


  • datetime set in Security Transaction or Security Transfer dialogs is now taken into account when displaying the Shares spinbox suffix
  • added Update Quotes Form to the Forms menu
  • renamed "Income and Expense" Categories to "Dual-Purpose" Categories
  • added and improved Security creation dialog tooltips
  • improved documentation

Bug fixes

  • fixed crash in Security Transfer dialog, occuring when the Sender Account has no shares of the specified Security
  • fixed bug where the balances of a Security Account's parent Account Groups were not updated after deleting the last Transaction related to the Security Account
  • fixed incorrect Avg. Dividend or Avg. Sell Price calculation in Securities Form Overview tab for Security Accounts which had shares of the given Security transferred into them

Full Changelog: v1.0.0-rc1...v1.0.0-rc2


10 Feb 16:27
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v1.0.0-rc1 Pre-release


  • added Demos and Templates option to the File menu, containing the following files:
    • Basic Demo (showcasing typical usage of Kapytal)
    • Mortgage Demo (demonstrating recommended approach to modelling a mortgage in Kapytal)
    • Category Templates
      • available in English and Czech languages
      • these are empty files, containing a set of pre-created Categories
      • the list of Categories is not exhaustive nor perfect, as Categories are very subjective, but it serves as a good starting point to Kapytal


  • renamed and repositioned File menu Close File action to New File
  • renamed Edit menu item to Forms
  • renamed Help menu Open Kapytal GitHub page action to Open Kapytal on GitHub
  • improved logging
    • removed info-level logging, all logs are now debug-level
    • logs are now directly placed within Kapytal/_internal/logs/
    • removed thousands separators from logged numerical values
    • removed logging of Transaction Table column visibility changes (too many calls produced)
  • added shortcuts for adding Transactions to the Transaction tool button tooltips
  • stopped Refund Transactions containing Categories or Tags with zero amounts from appearing in Category or Tag Reports in the Show Transactions Table Form
  • added drop down menu to the Open Demo or Template button (previously Open Demo File)
  • added Transaction icons to Transaction Type Filter list
  • added Select All Categories and Unselect All Categories tool buttons to Transaction Filter Form
  • improved data file loading/saving progress bar behavior
  • improved Settings Form
    • updated backups and logs explanatory notes
    • set default Exchange Rate and Amount per Share decimals to 4
    • set default maximum backup directories size to 100,000 kB
  • improved Welcome Dialog
    • enabled Open Documentation on GitHub button (previously disabled, with Open Quick Start Guide label)
    • now showing file path in Open Most Recent File button label and tooltip
    • renamed Create New File to New File to match with the File menu action
    • renamed Open File from Browser to Open File to match with the File menu action
    • removed white background from kapytalist kapybara portraits
    • made Welcome Dialog slightly wider
    • main window is now disabled until Welcome Dialog closes
  • improved README and documentation significantly
  • improved Dividend Transaction functionality
    • Dividend Transactions are now taken into account in the Transaction Table Selected Transaction Amount feature
    • Dividend Transactions are now taken into account for Tags Report calculation
    • the reason for these changes is that Dividend is not a value-neutral Transaction (it is essentially Security-related Income), while Cash Transfers, Security Transfers, Buys and Sells are approximately value-neutral (they do not create or remove value from the user's Accounts as a whole)
  • upgraded Python from 3.11.0 to 3.11.2

Bug fixes

  • fixed many crashes caused by failed Currency conversions when there is no Exchange Rate relating non-base Currencies to the base Currency
  • fixed bug where incorrect shares suffix was displayed in Security Transaction dialog when editing Dividend-type Transaction
  • fixed bug where automatic number format selection logic (when no number format has been set yet) did not work properly
  • fixed bug where names of the month were localized
  • fixed crash occuring when attempting to edit a Refund from Transaction Table Form (which is the pop-up Transaction Table window available from other Reports and Forms)
  • fixed bug where Refund shortcut "R" was not functional
  • fixed bug where Securities Form Manage tab table had incorrect number format in the Price column
  • fixed bug where Transaction Filter Form had incorrect number format in the Cash Amount Filter spinboxes
  • fixed crash occuring when running Net Worth Accounts Report while any Account Item in the Account Tree is unchecked
  • fixed bug where Transactions were sometimes needlessly changing their order after editing when sorted by their Date
  • fixed bug where specifying General date format including hours and minutes in Settings Form led to hours and minutes being shown twice in Transaction dialogs' datetime widgets
  • fixed bug where attempting to load different data file, close current data file or close Kapytal altogether with unsaved changes, selecting the "Save before load/close/quit" option saved the file but did not proceed with the operation
  • fixed text of Total Gain / Loss bar callout in Cash Flow Total Report chart

Full Changelog: v0.18.0...v1.0.0-rc1


29 Jan 20:59
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v0.18.0 Pre-release


  • renamed Native Avg. Dividend column to Avg. Dividend in-line with the naming convention of the other average values columns
  • added a Dividend Transaction to the demo.json file
  • added 2 more decimals to the Exchange Rate shown in inter-Currency Cash Transfer Dialog

Bug fixes

  • fixed bug where Cash Transactions and Refund Transactions were serialized incorrectly, producing files which were unable to be loaded
  • fixed bug where incorrect value was shown in Securities Overview realized Dividend columns
  • fixed incorrect calculation of realized Security returns
  • fixed rare crash occuring when closing file

Full Changelog: v0.17.0...v0.18.0


28 Jan 21:29
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v0.17.0 Pre-release


  • added new Security Transaction type: Dividend
    • this type effectively acts like a Sell, but does not remove any Shares from the associated Security Account
    • added Dividend-related columns to Securities Form Overview tab
    • to accommodate this new type, all mentions of "Price per Share" have been replaced with a more generic "Amount per Share"
      • warning: this is a breaking change, to re-use older data files, replace all price_per_share keys in the data JSON file with amount_per_share and rename PRICE_PER_SHARE column with AMOUNT_PER_SHARE in the transaction_table_column_order section in user_settings.json file (found in Kapytal/_internal/saved_data)
  • added base Currency version of Market Price, Avg. Buy Price and Avg. Sell Price columns to Securities Form Overview tab
    • to show these columns, enable Detailed stats checkbox


  • renamed Currencies and Exchange Rates Form to Currencies Form
  • adjusted Transaction tool buttons above Transaction Table
    • made all Transaction buttons to icon only
    • separated Cash and Security related Transaction buttons with vertical lines
    • split Transfer button into two separate buttons for Cash and Security Transfers
  • set maximum Exchange Rate and Price per Share decimals to 18
  • renamed Currency serialization places key to decimals
    • warning: this is a breaking change, to re-use older data files, replace all places in the JSON file with decimals

Bug fixes

  • fixed incorrect serialization of monetary amounts within Transactions, leading to not being able to load files
  • fixed Securities Form sometimes not showing up and freezing the program

Full Changelog: v0.16.0...v0.17.0


28 Jan 14:46
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v0.16.0 Pre-release


  • extended Securities Form Overview tab tree functionality
    • Securities which have been bought, sold and no longer owned are now listed
    • the following quantities have been added: Shares Bought, Shares Sold, Shares Transferred, Avg. Sell Price, Native Bought Amount, Base Bought Amount, Native Sold Amount, Base Sold Amount
    • the following performance indicators are now available in Total, Realized and Unrealized versions: Native Gain, Base Gain, Native Return, Base Return
    • Total Currency Gain has been added, providing insight onto how the Exchange Rate fluctuations affected the Security performance
      • please note this amount is already included for in the Total Base Gain quantity
    • since the amount of tree columns has risen considerably, additional controls have been added to filter the columns:
      • combo box for enabling Total, Realized, Unrealized or All performance stats
      • check box for enabling native Currency stats
      • check box for enabling detailed stats (Shares Bought, Shares Sold, Shares Transferred, Avg. Sell Price, Native Bought Amount, Base Bought Amount, Native Sold Amount, Base Sold Amount)
  • added Number Format setting to Settings Form
    • available formats:
      • 1,234.5678
      • 1.234,5678
      • 1 234.5678
      • 1 234,5678
      • 1234.5678
    • upon first start of the program, Kapytal tries to determine the correct format from the system settings, if it fails, it defaults to 1234.5678
    • Kapytal must be restarted for this setting to take effect


  • added capital sigma icon to Securities Form Overview tab tree Total row
  • when manually setting Exchange Rate quote / Security Price in their respective dialogs, the spinbox is now focused by default
  • improved Update Quotes Form
    • added icons
    • changed column order in Update Quotes Form
      • previously: item name, quote date, quote value
      • currently: item name, quote value, quote date
      • added progress bar shown during quote download
      • added single error message listing all failed quote downloads at once instead of one message for each failed attempt
  • implemented minor optimization improvements
  • Transaction Table columns are now automatically resized to columns upon adding the first Transaction
    • note: Transaction Table columns are not automatically resized in other cases, so that the user can manually resize the columns and the columns keep their width
    • columns can still be resized to contents on demand via Transaction Table header context menu action Resize to Contents (right-click the header to open the menu)
  • improved formatting of values in Transaction Table Shares and Price per Share columns
    • integral values are shown exactly (no change)
    • decimal values are now rounded to 4 significant digits for Shares or N significant digits for Price per Share, where N is the maximum number of decimals that have ever been specified for a Price of a given Security
    • a '≈' is prepended to values that have been rounding inexactly, i.e. when loss of precision occured
    • a mouse-over tooltip is available for both Shares and Price per Share columns, showing the unrounded value
  • added mouse-over tooltip for Transaction Table Description column
  • the Shares spinbox in Security Transfer dialog now shows a suffix displaying the amount of Security shares contained within the Sender Security Account (similarly to Security Transaction dialog)
  • separated Transaction Filters tool button from other tool buttons with vertical line and removed the empty space in-between

Bug fixes

  • fixed bug where Security related columns were hidden in Transaction Table when only Security Transfers were shown
  • fixed bug where the suffix of Shares spinbox in Sell-type Security Transaction dialog showed incorrect values
  • fixed bug where callouts in Net Worth Time Report did not show correct number of decimal places
  • fixed bug where callouts in Net Worth Time Report, Exchange Rate history and Security Price history charts did not respect general date format specified in the settings

Full Changelog: v0.15.0...v0.16.0


15 Jan 20:42
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v0.15.0 Pre-release


  • added Settings option to turn off automatic update checks on startup
  • added more information to Securities Form Overview tab
    • added Base Return, Base IRR p.a. columns
    • added Total row, containing the Base Gain, Base Return and Base IRR p.a. values for the whole Security portfolio
  • added Save/Load Column Order actions to Transaction Table header context menu
    • the column order can now be manually saved to/loaded from user settings file
    • the column order is automatically loaded from user settings file on startup
  • added Auto Column Visibility feature to Transaction Table header context menu
    • by default, Transaction Table column visibility is controlled automatically by Kapytal, hiding unnecessary columns dynamically (for example if no Security related Transactions are shown in Transaction Table, Security related columns are automatically hidden)
    • if the user manually changes the visibility of any column via the header context menu, the Auto Column Visibility mode is turned off, meaning the column visibility is fixed and fully determined by the user
    • if turned off, Auto Column Visibility can be re-enabled at any time via the header context menu
    • re-enabling Auto Column Visibility resets the column visibility to default and Kapytal re-takes control over the column visibility


  • Native Balance is now shown for Security Accounts in the Account Tree, as long as all the Securities which were ever related to the Security Account are of the same non-base Currency
  • improved Base Gain column data in Securities Form Overview tab tree to take Exchange Rate fluctuations into account
    • this change is only relevant for Securities denominated in a non-base Currency
  • improved Security creation dialog Shares decimals tooltip formatting

Bug fixes

  • fixed bug where Transaction Table Form columns were not resized to contents upon show
  • fixed bug where Security Transaction dialog spinboxes for Shares, Price per Share and Total were not correctly recalculated when adjusted by the user when editing or duplicating an existing Security Transaction
  • fixed bug where Payee or Tag Form could end up in invalid state when a search filter was applied before renaming a Payee or Tag respectively
  • fixed crash caused by incorrectly handled connection errors occuring during checking for updates
  • fixed missing Currency code in Transaction Table Price per Share column
  • fixed bug where after updating an Exchange Rate with a new quote, some calculations still took the older quote into account
  • fixed crash after creating Categories, Tags or Payees with no Currencies defined
  • fixed crash when closing a file via Close File action from the File menu
  • fixed bug where Exchange Rate or Price per Share decimals set via Settings Form were not saved after closing the form
  • fixed bug where Avg. Price column in Securities Form Overview tab was affected by Price per Share of Sell-type Security Transactions
  • fixed bug where Transaction Table Native Balance column was not correctly re-shown when Transaction Table columns were reset while only Security Account-related Transactions were visible

Full Changelog: v0.14.0...v0.15.0


23 Dec 15:26
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v0.14.0 Pre-release


  • added YTD (Year to Date) column to Exchange Rate and Securities tables
  • improved Category Report calculation
  • the balance of Security Account containing Security with unknown price has been changed to 'NaN' (previously zero)
  • made the Securities Form Overview tab tree collapsed by default
  • removed main window status bar
    • it was redundant and took up vertical space
  • moved Security related columns in Transaction Table further back
    • most of the time, the user is interested in Cash Transaction related columns
  • moved Transaction Table "Showing Transactions" and "Selected Transactions Total" labels to the left
    • this improves visual clarity and is more in-line with where other tabular programs place similar functionality
  • improved file save/load progress bar visual update logic
  • aligned Exchange Rate returns to the right within Exchange Rate table
  • made Cash Flow Total Report window slightly wider
  • renamed "Total Gain / Loss" bar in Cash Flow Total Report to "Gain / Loss"
  • prohibited any string which equals "total" when switched to lowercase as Tag, Payee or Category name
  • improved installer
    • transitioned from InstallForge to Inno Setup
    • from now on, Kapytal will be upgradeable to a newer version without uninstalling the previous one beforehand
  • added minor logging improvements
  • added minor optimization improvements

Bug fixes

  • fixed bug where the Transaction Table Form created from CashFlowTotalReport Show Transactions action was re-created once for each time the Cash Flow Total Report was opened previously
  • fixed bug where adding or removing Tags via Add Tags or Remove Tags actions did not reapply Transaction Filters automatically
  • fixed crashes which occured when deleting all Exchange Rate or Security quotes
  • fixed bug where incorrect Exchange Rate could be used while calculating the Category Report data

Full Changelog: v0.13.0...v0.14.0


16 Dec 14:40
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v0.13.0 Pre-release


  • added minor Currencies and Exchange Rates Form improvements
    • renamed Exchange Rate table column "Rate" to "Quote"
    • renamed Exchange Rate history table column "Latest Rate" to "Latest Quote"
    • shortened formatting of very large values of Exchange Rate or Security percentage returns with scientific notation
  • improved Securities Form Overview tab search bar placeholder text

Bug fixes

  • fixed crash when calculating Exchange Rate returns with no quote history
  • fixed Exchange Rate being unselected in Currencies and Exchange Rates Form when a data point was added, edited or removed, potentially leading to a crash upon attempting to add, edit or remove another data point
  • fixed crash when mouse cursor moved over a line chart containing no data
  • removeda non-functional search bar and Transaction related labels from Security Account table form
  • fixed Exchange Rate Table column headers disappearing upon Currency creation, when no Exchange Rates have been defined yet

Full Changelog: v0.12.0...v0.13.0


15 Dec 20:28
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v0.12.0 Pre-release


  • added basic analytics for Securities
    • added columns for displaying Security price movements over various periods as a percentage
    • added Price, Average Price, Native Gain, Base Gain, Absolute Return and annualized Internal Rate of Return (IRR) columns to Securities Form Overview tree
    • note: Kapytal does not account for Exchange Rate fluctuations when calculating Security returns, returns are calculated within the context of the Security native Currency
  • added basic analytics for Exchange Rates
    • added columns for displaying Exchange Rate quote movements over various periods as a percentage
  • added Show Transactions tool buttons to Total Cash Flow Report
    • also added a Recalculate Report button to Total Cash Flow Report, which appears when any Transaction is edited via Show Transactions table


  • added Update Quotes tool buttons to Currencies and Exchange Rates Form and Securities Form
    • this is another way to reach the same old functionality from a convenient place
  • remade Currencies and Exchange Rates Form to visually resemble Securities Form more closely
  • Security price in Security Form table is now rounded to the maximum number of decimals that have been specified in any of the historical Price data points
  • renamed "Currency" column to "Code" in Currency table in Currencies and Exchange Rates Form
  • aligned "Last Date" column to the right in Exchange Rate table in Currencies and Exchange Rates Form
  • closing Update Quotes Form without saving the quotes brings up confirmation dialog
  • shortened text in Category column of Transaction Table for Cash Transactions with split Categories while preserving the information content
  • added search bar to the Update Quotes Form
  • improved the Show Transactions table (accessed via Reports)
    • added search bar
    • added number of visible Transactions and total number of Transactions labels
    • added total selected Transaction amount label
    • made the default size larger

Bug fixes

  • fixed crash when editing a Transaction from a Transaction Table Form opened from a Report, when the most recent Cash Flow Report to be previously opened was the Total Cash Flow Report
  • fixed bug preventing Multiple Categories Filter from being useable
  • fixed crash occuring when a cell in Category Report tree was selected and text preventing the selected cell from being shown was entered into the search bar

Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.12.0