After starting the program we have three ciphers: the message can be both encrypted and decrypted. In order to do so, you need to enter your chosen message in the field and then click on the button with the chosen cipher.nTo the substitution and rail fence cipher you have to choose the key. In case of the substitution cipher, it indicates, if the letters are to move (range: 0 to 25). As for the rail fence cipher, it indicates the number of lines, to which letters will be assigned. Decrypted/encrypted content will appear above the message entry field. In order to finish working with the program, select the "Zakończ" button.
1.Substitution cipher - it works by replacing each character of the Latin alphabet to the character appearing x of the position after it, but the letters are not case-sensitive when converting the meaning.
2.Rail fence code - it works by changing the order of letters, based on the simplified shape of the wooden fence (the fence has as many levels as its key). The letters are read with lines from top to bottom.
3.Two-square cipher - divides the plain text of a message into character groups and then assigns each of these groups one of the other predefined character groups (two-letter). In our case, we used predefined keys that allow you to create two squares with letters used to encrypt character groups.
- Substitution cipher (szyfruj1):
- Rail fence code (szyfruj3):
- Two-square cipher (szyfruj2):
- Jakub Ignatik
- Mateusz Jałocha (,łocha/)