Created as Project 0 for CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript (2018 edition)
Project includes:
HTML files:
-index.html (General information about OSINT. Bootstrap elements used: card, columns)
-tools.html (Links and description of the most popular OSINT tools. Bootstrap elements used:
borderless table)
-quiz.html (Suggests to take a quiz on how well the user protects their personal data)
--->game.html (User gets to this page after pressing button on 'quiz.html'. This page hosts
quiz questions
and answer options)
--->--->result.html (Page to host personalized results after completing the quiz and list
of recommendations for better protection of personal data. Bootstrap elements used: list-group).
On each page:
-navigation bar with options to get to Home, Tools and Quiz pages, created using Bootstrap's
-Bootstrap's classes: "jumbotron jumbotron-fluid", "display-4" and "lead"
Javascript files (./scripts):
-game.js (Quiz functionality, based on additional online course, link to original source
-result.js (Functionality to show personalized results, based on number of correct answers
provided by the user)
CSS and SCSS files (./styles):
-stylesheet0.css (Created using Sass, setting primary colors for background and text used in
the project, use of SCSS variables and nesting)
-stylesheet1.css ((Created using Sass, setting font-size for game.html, use of SCSS inheritance)
-styles.css (Stylesheet for all pages except game.html)
-game.css (Stylesheet for game.html, in part based on additional online course on quiz development)