Releases: James231/Simple-Version-Control
Simple Version Control App v1.0.0
You can download version 1.0.0 of the app required to create version control files below.
System Requirements:
Requires an up-to-date version of Windows 10, specifically version 1803 or later, or any other version of Windows which includes .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later.
How to Install:
Download the .msi
file under the 'Assets' section below. Then open the file to install the app.
How to Use:
Once installed open the app and press "New". Select a directory to place your version control files in. Then you will be shown a page representing your 'ChangeLog', here you can add or edit versions of your app. When editing a version you will be taken to a separate page where you can enter "Description", "Download Link" and any other data you like (use the 'Additional Data' if you want to add more). You can optionally add a list of changes to each version.
After you've done this, press 'Save' and host the output files somewhere on the internet. Then continue here.