gsicosttool is the City of Raleigh NC GSI Cost Tool_. It is built with Python using the Django Web Framework.
This project has the following basic apps:
- Cost Items - each structure has 1 or more Cost Items
- Structures - each scenario has 0 or more structures
- Scenario - users build scenarios that they can then compare with other scenarios
- Project - user creates projects, and then (multiple) scenarios for each project
- Profile - user profile manager
- User - user manager
- GSI - Green Stormwater Infrastructure
To set up a development environment quickly, first install Python 3. It comes with virtualenv built-in. So create a virtual env by:
1. `$ python3 -m venv gsicosttool`
2. `$ . gsicosttool/bin/activate`
Install all dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run migrations:
python migrate
Take a look at the docs for more information. TBD