Week 4 (Solo) Project 1 - Vet Management App | Ruby | SQL | Sinatra
A veterinary practice has approached you to help them build a web application to help them manage their animals and vets. A vet may look after many animals at a time. An animal is registered with only one vet.
This particular project is themed around Pokemon and our veterinary practice is a Pokecenter. The animals it treats are Pokemon.
- Postico
- Sinatra
- Sinatra Contrib all
- Ruby Gems:
- pg
- pry
- cd to /Users/user/codeclan_work/week_04/pokecenter
- createdb pokecenter
- from within /Users/user/codeclan_work/week_04/pokecenter, type psql -d pokecenter -f db/pokecenter.sql
- ruby db/seeds.rb
- ruby app.rb
- open chrome browser: localhost:4567
- to quit:
- close the browser window
- control c in terminal