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Quizzical 📝

About ℹ️

Quizzical is an answer submission system for quizzes. It was inspired by the website used for the Insomnia "World Famous Pub Quiz" remote events during 2020, but with a focus on allowing other members in a team to be able to see the answers that were submitted.

Setup 🔨

  1. Ensure that Python 3 is installed 1, and that you can run pip.
  2. Download or clone the repository to the computer or server that will be running Quizzical.
  3. Navigate to the downloaded folder in a command prompt or terminal, and install the dependencies with either python -m pip install -r requirements.txt or pip install -r requirements.txt.
  4. Fill out the desired settings in the quiz_settings.json file (explained below).
  5. Start the server by running the file

1: Quizzical was developed using Python 3.9, but may still work on earlier versions.

Settings 🔧

All settings for Quizzical are specified in the quiz_settings.json file. Where applicable, optional settings can be left blank by using the value null.

Setting Description Optional Default Value
quiz_name The name of the quiz being hosted. Shown at the top of all users' pages. False None
admin_id The team id used to log into the admin page. May be anything, but usually the first 8 characters from a UUID4 string. False None
secret_key A secret key used by Flask to sign the session cookies. Can be generated in a terminal using python -c "import os; print(os.urandom(24).hex())". False None
heartbeat_freq How often the clients will update their status, in milliseconds. Smaller values update pages more often, but use more bandwidth. False 5000
https_enabled Whether or not to try to use HTTPS. Will still default to HTTP if either ssl_fullchain or ssl_privkey are not provided. False True
ssl_fullchain The full chain component of an SSL certificate. Required if running with HTTPS enabled. True null
ssl_privkey The private key component of an SSL certificate. Required if running with HTTPS enabled. True null

Usage 💻

There are three types of user: team members, team leaders, and administrators.

Team members

Team members are users in a team, and are able to see the current state of the quiz alongside the answers that have been submitted by their team in the current round. Team members are not able to submit answers.

Team leaders

Team leaders can see everything a team member can see, but are able to enter and submit answers during the answering state. It is recommended to only have one team leader per team.


Administrators control the quiz as a whole.

  • During the pre-round state, they are able to add new teams, and can start a round with a specific number of questions.
  • During the answering state, they are able to see which teams have submitted their answers, and can stop the round.
  • During the post-round state, they are able to see the answers that were submitted by each team, download a copy of all answers submitted in this round, and complete the round (returning to the pre-round state).


An answer submission system for quizzes







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