- Download the Eigen library (3.2.2 stable): http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php and the tar.gz and place the "Eigen" directory into the flatfab source directory
- "Release" build using Qt Creator to create flatfab.app
- May have to add the $QTDIR/bin directory to paths, do: sudo nano /etc/paths and add the line /Users/YOURNAMEHERE/Qt.5.3.2/5.3/clang_64/bin then do a control+O and enter to save then control+X to exit
- Use icon file flatfab_icon.png, load it up and press command+A then command+C, then for the .app file in the Release directory do a control+click and "get info", then click the icon and press command+V to paste the graphic
- Terminal command: macdeployqt flatfab.app -dmg
- Repeat the icon setting process above for the flatfab.dmg file - this is the file to distribute
You need Qt5 (tested on Ubuntu 24.10 with QtCreator 13; any previous release should work as well)
- install
- open
from QtCreator - press Build and enjoy!
Uses the latest Qt 5.15 runtime; builds manually Eigen and GLU.
To build:
- install
flatpak install org.kde.Sdk/x86_64/5.15-24.08
flatpak install org.kde.Platform/x86_64/5.15-24.08
cd flatpak && flatpak-builder --force-clean --install --user build-flatpak edu.toronto.dgp.FlatFab.yml
You can then test your freshly generated flatpak with:
flatpak run edu.toronto.dgp.FlatFab